Aries : You delight in meeting new people, and today you will find yourself mingling with a lot of intelligent people. Ganesha says you will continue to be a perfectionist. Besides this, you will end up spending a huge sum of money on a gift for your beloved today.

Taurus : This day, your expenses are likely to outrun your budget, your earnings. So says Ganesha. In terms of expenditure, the situation can very well get out of hand, causing you a lot of monetary anxieties. Think twice before spending even a penny. If you have surplus funds in your hand, it is advisable to invest them sensibly instead of frittering them away uselessly. Remember, forewarned is forearmed.

Gemini : Today, resolving issues will be a tough task, but you will be able to accomplish it nonetheless. It may take time, but don’t lose hope. Persistence and hard work will be rewarding. The grind will increase your understanding of the things happening around you. You will be able to understand those around you better. You may also take your sweetheart on a shopping spree.

Cancer : Today, in all likelihood, is going to be a challenging and complicated day for you, says Ganesha. You are likely to be a little short on confidence; either that, or you may be feeling a little subdued. You may not be as assertive as required on certain issues. On the personal front, you may spend a lot of time reflecting upon the ways of finding happiness in your relationships.

Leo : You may want to carry some aspirin with you today, suggests Ganesha. For, there are strong indications that you shall be up against a lot of stress and tension at work. This headache-inducing factor aside, you have the uncanny knack of beating your opponents at their own game. This will superimpose your position of awe and respect at the workplace, as people realise the stuff you are made of. Go get em’ tiger!!

Virgo : Settling and resolving issues will be a long-drawn process today, says Ganesha. However, keep at it because the results will be well worth the efforts you put into it. You will feel more capable to look at things from others’ perspective today. Loosen your grip on your wallet, as you may end up taking your sweetheart on a shopping spree.

Libra : When it comes to your children, no pain is too much. Today seems to justify that statement as you may indeed take pains to improve your children’s welfare. But it’s all worth the effort in the end. Afternoon brings with it the possibility of happiness and success. You may make worthwhile material progress today. Also, meditation might take up much of your time. Overall, it’s a fulfilling day, portends Ganesha.

Scorpio : You will understand the importance of creating a divide between your personal and professional life, feels Ganesha. On the professional front, your diligence and commitment to work will bring praise and benefits. Later in the evening, you will celebrate your success with your sweetheart. A candlelit dinner and some champagne will be the icing on the cake.

Sagittarius : The fountain of creativity will be gushing within you today. You may strive to take on new challenges later in the day. Workplace may offer economic gains later in the evening. But do not neglect your health, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Power is a privilege of a few. It’s a day for those of you in power, of governance and the national purse, says Ganesha. A marvellous day awaits all civil servants and government employees. The dealings you will undertake will materialise and earn you distinction; rewards for the commendable efforts you have put in the past may also come. Professionals, on the other hand, will gain the trust of their bosses and the latter is likely to discuss certain controversial issues with you.

Aquarius : A sunny day and a starry night! Today is for friends, says Ganesha. You chat, sing, yell, and even talk philosophy, values and politics with your pals. You may indulge in a romantic evening with your partner, either in a restaurant or at the beach, or simply on the sofa watching Clark Gable woo Scarlet O’ Hara.

Pisces : Honesty, sincerity and integrity both in your dedication to work and in your devotion to your family, is your hallmark. On the strength of this foundation, you will reach an important milestone today. Socially as well, your reputation will receive a boost, says Ganesha.