
Sunday Apr 06-2014

Aries : Today will be as agreeable as any day can be. You are satisfied with what you have, says Ganesha. Besides, you have already planned on what you desire and are moving towards it. A date of romantic nature may turn out to be interesting or it may lead to a controversy; you have to decide on it.

Taurus : This day is meant for taking some time out from your busy schedule, and seeking some fun and relaxation. So says Ganesha. It is possible that you will be getting together with your friends and family members for a fun filled evening followed by a great dinner and a late night movie. The strong urge to eat hot, spicy and delicious dishes is surely going to get the better of you. So go ahead and have fun.

Gemini : You face a hectic and demanding day today. You will spend your entire day wondering how best to channelise your energy and enthusiasm. You may be prone to extreme mood swings as well. Meditative techniques should help you keep your mind calm, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will tend to try new recipes at home. Family members will take advantage and enjoy it. You will indulge in pastimes. Arrival of guests will bring in an air of festivity and happiness, says Ganesha.

Leo : Che Guevara may not hold the beacon any more, and the best of the Beatles are long gone. But your desire to revolutionise the world is as strong as ever, sees Ganesha. The best ideas are the ones that come suddenly and subconsciously. So, always carry a pen and paper with you, you may need them to note down ideas that you generate over the course of the day. Remember, ideas have a tendency to wane with the same speed with which they wax. Never let one pass by, it may just be the answer you have been searching for.

Virgo : Ganesha says don’t let setbacks cow you down today as you will emerge stronger from each one of them. It will be your logic and reasoning abilities that will aid you in gaining the perfection in completing your work. You may look forward to spending the evening with your beloved or a special friend. You will be engrossed in an animated conversation.

Libra : Some days you get the carrot, while on others, it is the stick! Today is going to be one of those ‘stick’ days when it comes to dealing with your seniors, foresees Ganesha. It would be wise to delay auction bids or sealed tenders. Sometimes, waiting patiently is the best policy, especially if you are a job aspirant. Do not expect immediate success. Take abundant precautions in all matters today, warns Ganesha.

Scorpio : There is a big black hole in your pocket, and it’s high time you looked for remedies there. Loved ones will make use of your money as suntan cream – liberally and carelessly. You are most likely to burn the holes larger by spending lavishly, especially to impress a member of the opposite sex. Ganesha advises you to keep in mind that time is money and time never returns.

Sagittarius : Get ready to rule hearts today. Your thoughtful insights into other people’s psyche might just help you write a book on it! In the battleground of love, you will win over your sweetheart all over again, probably with a nice, slow dance coupled with a fantastic candlelit dinner.

Capricorn : By and large, your life today will be dull. But, there isn’t something unfavourable or negative about it, assures Ganesha, as the planetary movements signal a change, probably a positive one, happening in the near future. So, keep your chin up and get ready for a better tomorrow.

Aquarius : You are armed with good communication skills, and like always, it will come to your aide today, too. There is one problem though. You are not clear about your emotions and it may make your arms blunt, foresees Ganesha. Make sure that you are able to identify your feelings and don’t make any disastrous decisions based on that confusion.

Pisces : Your fount of creativity spouts everyday like there is no tomorrow. However, you need to be organised and in position to implement all those revolutionary ideas that occur to you in a jiffy, that lesser mortals take aeons to dream up. Your oratory will win you many admirers today, so let go of your inhibitions, says Ganesha.