
Aries : You are deeply interested in the occult and the paranormal and today, you may indulge in something to do with it. So, you may buy a full colour 15×10 glossy on shamanic rites or the tantra! Ganesha suggests using such knowledge for peaceful ends.

Taurus : Your enthusiasm will be as contagious as your smile today, predicts Ganesha. People will stand charmed by your high spirits. There will be stressful moments, but things will look up later in the day. Take some time off if things get too hectic for you.

Gemini : You will keep your emotions aside and concentrate solely on your work today. You will have to waste a lot of time in fulfilling the demands made by those around you. However, the more demands you fulfill, the more their expectations will rise, says Ganesha.

Cancer : The day is very favourable, says Ganesha. You will feel a sense of joy and happiness with your valuable possessions. You may fall into love or have a strong romantic ties with someone. A great time for lovers. Ganesha foresees chance of having new contacts and ties.

Leo : You will be busy on the work front today. It is a good day for those who are self-employed. Housewives will remain extremely busy with household matters. You will be able to work according to your desire though, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Close members of your family and friends will take up most of your time today. Students will have to pay more attention to studies as exams are upcoming, and they will have to learn to balance study and free time. Ganesha says today is a good time to buy property. All in all, it is a day when you can afford to relax and let your mind pursue its interests.

Libra : Ganesha says today will be a wonderful day and bring forth a breakthrough for you. You shall get to know and learn a lot from top most officials and elderly people. The higher ups in your office will give you good support today. Ganesha warns you to stay away from judicial proceedings or pleadings, as today is not a good day for fighting court battles.

Scorpio : “It’s a dream come true,” you may utter these words in surprise today, feels Ganesha. Your palatial home is ready or you may just get the keys of your much desired vehicle. You may have an extended celebration by receiving or giving gifts to your closed ones. However, make sure you do not make a hole in your pocket.

Sagittarius : You are like a new hope for your company and you are assigned with many challenging projects, today. And your hard work and efforts are appreciated when you handle the projects successfully. If you are fortunate enough, you may also gain incentives very soon, predicts Ganesha.

Capricorn : Practical and creative, you are able to utilise your talents in the best possible manner. You will smartly solve family issues, without favouring or hurting anybody, says Ganesha. You’ll like to play the role of a peace maker, as it gives you satisfaction from within. Also, you will love to help others as much as you can.

Aquarius : Sometimes it feels like you are stuck in a quicksand, and there is none out there to pull you out. But, the independent Aquarius is capable of dealing with adversities alone. And, that tendency shall hold you in a good stead even today. Dilemmas dissolved and problems resolved, you shall spend a quiet, romantic evening with your sweetheart, foresees Ganesha.

Pisces : The mundane routine of daily life will finally catch up with you, and you will feel the urge to take a break and travel somewhere. And a break is well deserved considering the number of hours you have slaved over your current projects. A picnic or a short journey with your partner is very much on the cards, says Ganesha.