
Monday July 28-2014

Aries : You will achieve things today, not by the sleight of your hand but by your communication skills, says Ganesha. Your eloquence shall win many hearts. The stars suggest monetary benefits, but you need to guard against injury and minor ailments.

Taurus : You are likely to confront a turning point in relationships today, foresees Ganesha. Because you are in need of some compassion and support, you will feel the need to spend time with friends and relatives. Your beloved or better half may bring a change in mood by helping you shed your negative frame of mind, says Ganesha.

Gemini : Some of your personal belongings are very dear to you. You may have to grudgingly share them with someone else. A mild pang of jealousy may kick in. But, you are merely being protective of something very personal, so there is nothing wrong with that, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will be in high spirits today, foretells Ganesha. It is a favourable day to engage in household activities, like gardening, cooking or even washing laundry. In the evening, work will be eclipsed by the pleasures of love.

Leo : The trader in you comes to the fore today. With an impeccable eye for recognising profitable avenues, you will quickly spot opportunities that arise from buying goods at cheaper prices, and selling them off at a rate that leaves you with a lump sum profit. Start with small transactions, and treat each transaction with care before you plunge into bigger ventures, like the Bull-n-Bear tussle of the stock markets. Ganesha wishes you all the success today.

Virgo : Ganesha predicts that your writing skills will possibly help you vent your feelings without offending others. You will successfully complete your pending assignments. Great success will knock at your door in anything and everything you undertake today, predicts Ganesha.

Libra : No matter what you do, some days are just not happening. Considering the random mood swings that affect you today, it’s in the best interest of others that you put up a ‘Beware of me’ sign. By being forewarned about it, you should be capable of handling your erratic behaviour. Just remember that nothing can affect your mental balance, and that this is just a phase. After slogging hard through the the day, you may desire to relax and pamper yourself later in the evening, suggests Ganesha.

Scorpio : The day today is riddled with minor, nagging ailments. Adopt a two-pronged strategy, advises Ganesha. One – change your lifestyle, and two – visit your doctor for regular examinations. Ominous at his best, Ganesha counsels to take care of your health.

Sagittarius : Today, you will most certainly put your heart and soul into your work. But it is rather unlikely that you will get the returns in proportion to the efforts you put in. Yet, at the end of the day, you will be more than satisfied that you have got the chance to display your innate talents, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You will have heard of many emotional fools who let sentiments rule their lives. Try not be one of them, and if it’s too difficult a task, at least pretend not to be one of them, for Ganesha says going by your feelings can leave you at a low ebb. In other words, your feelings can come in the way of your success. A solution to this problem is to remain dispassionate and let the opportunist think you are a hard nut to crack.

Aquarius : If Elvis Presley is who you dreamed of being, today may be your day! You seem to impress one and all, and even money flows in! You play smart today and everything seems to work in your favour. Take care, says Ganesha, things may not be as they seem.

Pisces : You probably jumped out of bed this morning itching to talk to someone. And why not, since all your latent power of expression will spring out like a jack-in-the-box today. The pearls of wisdom you shower on people who are down-in-the-dumps today will make them feel good about their bluesy, taciturn selves, says Ganesha.