
                            Tuesday  June 04-2013    
Aries : Today is a bright day, and the stars foretell success for you. If you find yourself in a creative mood, indulge in some activity that will satisfy the urge. But, Ganesha says, if you are driving alone, exercise a great deal of caution to be on the safe side.
Taurus : Your business is going to thrive this day, says Ganesha. Your plans, projections, speculations and gambles are likely to pay off and give you good dividends. You will be admired and respected in the business world for your honesty and integrity. You will be in the right frame of mind to think about expanding your business. Your dynamic and enterprising spirit, your firm determination will get you rich rewards in the near future.
Gemini : An extremely profitable and progressive day awaits you. You may come into a handsome inheritance. Your responsibilities will increase along with a possible promotion at work. However, do not let your success go to your head, says Ganesha.
Cancer : Ganesha advises you to watch your back today. However, he wants to make it clear that you may be at the receiving end of others’ actions. Anyway, your cautious and watchful approach will save you from needless discomfiture. In short, life will teach you priceless and precious lessons today, predicts Ganesha.
Leo : You will get good co-operation from your colleagues and subordinates. In your personal life also you will gain the support of your spouse and your friends. Other people will be accomodating of your problems and will try to solve them for you. Your expenses may increase, leading to some financial worries, says Ganesha.
Virgo : You are quick-witted, sharp and artistic to the core, says Ganesha, so you may go ahead and enrapture people with your special abilities, perhaps at a social gathering. However, Ganesha says it would be better if you could conserve some of that enthusiasm in order to focus your attention on issues of greater importance.
Libra : Ganesha says that you will try to enhance your skill regarding new technological inventions and will want to learn about the same in your spare time. Ganesha says that if you wish to gain success you need to first leave your ego behind. Only then will you be able to stride ahead on the path to progress.
Scorpio : You are in a mood of introspection and analysis, says Ganesha. This is likely to give you a clear vision in the days to come. Your systematic approach towards work will provide you room to think out of the box. Your innovative ideas may bag applause from superiors and bosses.
Sagittarius : Begin your day with a renewed zest. Consider a jump case of lucrative offer. Cracking a telephonic interview may prove to be a milestone in your career path. Your dedication and determination towards your work and goals makes you a deserving employee, says Ganesha.
Capricorn : Things may just fall in to your lap today. You will help those in need but will get extremely upset when the out come is not as per your expectations, feels Ganesha. It is not an encouraging sight and it will affect your confidence adversely. But, you are over-reacting, as these disappointments are not as big as they seem. Keep your chin up and get ready for a new tomorrow.
Aquarius : You will be on a spending spree today. But, make sure that your desire to enjoy life doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket. Watch your words and steps, as people are observing your every move. You have put all of your eggs in one basket, so make sure that you don’t mess up and lose everything that you have, advises Ganesha.
Pisces : Take one cautious step at a time today, says Ganesha. You will discuss intimate matters at home and official matters at work but be careful about whom you trust and deception from someone close might lead to worry and stress in the future. Even though you are an emotional person, lay onus on working with your head over your heart today as people might try to take advantage of your nature and step on your shoulder, feels Ganesha.