
                          Sunday Sept 21-2014

Aries : Like a true man of words, today you will talk your way into whatever it is that you want! If you’ve been wooing someone, a tête-à-tête will work wonders for you. But make sure you don’t shirk responsibilities and complete your pending projects before your boss comes asking for them.

Taurus : Your monetary problems will continue to bother you, predicts Ganesha. You will not let small expenses get in the way of things. You may make money from different sources. If you stay independent, then you may generate wonderful results at the workplace, hopes Ganesha.

Gemini : Today, you will be extra careful about hygiene and cleanliness, predicts Ganesha. You may plan to wash your car, clean your yard, and arrange household items, only to be followed by a liberal spray of disinfectants in the afternoon. You will diffuse all your tensions with a light-hearted approach.

Cancer : You will put your family members above everything else. You will plan the entire day keeping them in mind. Your family will respond in kind and will make you feel loved and blessed. Your rivals will acknowledge your accomplishments and abilities.

Leo : A busy mind has no time for a hungry stomach. This phrase seems to have become your motto for the day as the stars dictate every possibility of you staying extremely busy with work. This might kill your appetite in the afternoon, warns Ganesha. But rest assured, the cravings will return in the evening and push you towards the idea of an elaborate dinner. Also, gear up for some fun with the opposite sex tonight, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Speech-craft will be your potent weapon today, predicts Ganesha. The gift of gab was never more silvery, as you enchant your way into the hearts of the opposite sex sometime late in the day. Put-off work will be completed. Doctors and public servants will have a field day, predicts Ganesha.

Libra : “Good fences make good neighbours”, said Frost. It’s a good thing that you rubbish that idea, because you are all about making better friends with your neighbours and breaking down some walls today. The theological part of you continues to exert force through the evening. Also, money aspects seem brighter than usual for you, foresees Ganesha.

Scorpio : Your day will gravitate to being constructive today, predicts Ganesha. At work, your dedication will keep others on their toes; and you miles ahead. Marital bliss will be at its best. All in all, a colourful day, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Ganesha sees you being friendly and jovial throughout the day. Planning a getaway with family will be on top of your to-do list. Honours will be showered on you at your workplace. Be ready to receive much adulation, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Those meddlesome neighbours of yours may suddenly come across as more seemly, and even if you can see through their ulterior motives, you will find yourself developing a good rapport with them, says Ganesha. Later in the day, you will indulge in literary works, which will provide food for thought. Finances will be in good shape, and there won’t be much that you would have to worry about. All in all, it will be a good day.

Aquarius : Cleaning up the clutter, either at your home or office, will be priority number one. Grab this chance to impress your boss or spouse and make your personal space squeaky clean. A dinner by candlelight with your beloved will ease your tired muscles, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Your powers of concentration and focus come to the fore. Your lucidity and eye for detail will save you from many a hassle that could have developed later on. The time that this will save your bosses and peers will bring you many accolades, says Ganesha.