
Saturday Dec 20-2014

Aries : You need to be very cautious today, says Ganesha. The results of a lot of hard work over a long time may be undone by one impulsive decision. After a stressful morning, you could just wish to spend time with children, playing their childish games.

Taurus : All is not likely to go well during this day says Ganesha. Though you will sail smoothly most of the day, problems are very likely to come up. At the professional level you are not likely to face obstacles or difficulties. Your relations with your parents turn awkward and unpleasant. You could be getting into a serious argument with them and thereby displease and disappoint them. You need to respect their views and wishes and if necessary tender sincere apologies, if necessary.

Gemini : Your sensitive and emotional nature will prove to be a problem for you. Hence you need to control your emotions. Tread carefully when it comes to personal relationships. You need to wait for a better time before you think of proposing to that special someone, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha says that it will be a day of challenge. You will be tempted to plunge into a new venture. But there is no need for haste or anxiety in this regard. Pending work will be completed. Business deals and transactions will end on happy note. Translocation due to business or domestic reasons is possible.

Leo : Call it the momentary re-ignition of the spark of brilliance and energy, this day finds you at the peak of your dynamism. Ganesha predicts a fantastic day for all, especially those in the freelancing business, as your imagination and inspiration reach new heights and motivate others to excel. Recall the legendary Swami Vivekananda’s words, “Arise, awake and stop not till your goal is reached.”

Virgo : You will stay away from partnership ventures. Ganesha says you have the ability to control large-scale projects on your own. You have leadership qualities, and will be able to coordinate team work and direct your colleagues to get the required amount of work from them.

Libra : You will be drawn towards those of the opposite sex today says Ganesha. You will meet people who share the same wavelength that you do in the afternoon, and this will lead to a lot of interesting discussions. You will want to expand upon your knowledge of the world today and will be successful in your efforts.

Scorpio : You are ready to take up the challenges that life has to throw at you. Thanks to the confidence within you, which gives you power to fight it out against all odds. Even if you take up a mammoth task, you are bound to succeed today, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You are like a new hope for your company and you are assigned with many challenging projects, today. And your hard work and efforts are appreciated when you handle the projects successfully. If you are fortunate enough, you may also gain incentives very soon, predicts Ganesha.

Capricorn : Practical and creative, you are able to utilise your talents in the best possible manner. You will smartly solve family issues, without favouring or hurting anybody, says Ganesha. You’ll like to play the role of a peace maker, as it gives you satisfaction from within. Also, you will love to help others as much as you can.

Aquarius : Be it about solving financial issues or concerns about income, money matters will keep your mind occupied through out the day. You will have a gala time with your friends later on the day, predicts Ganesha. Not that you don’t value your friends, but today, you will realise how important you are for one another.

Pisces : You are fond of traveling and are always looking for an excuse to set off. Hence it comes as no surprise if you pack your bags and decide to embark upon a journey on a whim today. It is a much needed break too, from the daily stresses of earning a livelihood. While you are seeking solitude, you will take your friends and relatives along with you on the trip, says Ganesha.