
Saturday Dec 27-2014

Aries : You probably have a big circle of friends, and though most of them may be casual friends, they may sometimes prove to be favourable. They may help you overcome some dejections. It will also help you figure out the importance of the role friends can play.

Taurus : You are likely to be become too ambitious today and strive to outdo others. So says Ganesha. You will be over eager to do some thing big, lay your hands on something precious and valuable. Though you are quite likely to succeed to some extent you over enthusiasm may land you in serious problems that may affect your persona; and private life.

Gemini : Your desire to go travelling with your family members will receive an impetus today and you will set out to schedule your itinerary. It is a good time for travel and you will be able to more than satisfactorily execute your travel plans within your budget, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will labour more to finish pending tasks. You will give priority to career compared to personal chores. So you will be caught up in your career and business riddles. By evening, however, you will have cheerful moments as Ganesha sees you having cherishing time with your beloved.

Leo : Be it a job or business, you will face severe competition today. You will need to be extra cautious today. You will need to be more serious about whatever it is that you are doing. You will become more influential in your social circle or amongst your colleagues as a results, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Your renewed enthusiasm for life will bring about a radical change in you. Ganesha says today is a good time to let others see how important and how brilliant you can be. Your intelligence will become very evident as you demonstrate how things should be done.

Libra : Ganesha says that you will be a different person today, full of vigor and enthusiasm. You will be able to showcase your creative skills in your personal life and at the same time you will be able to go ahead in your chosen field and gain prestige too. You will have to make a decision about studying further in the field of higher education abroad.

Scorpio : The ground beneath you seems a bit shaky; watch your steps. A time would come when your confidence would be shattered, however, don’t let set-backs and failures affect you. Adapt the attitude of ‘this too shall pass’ and the rest would fall in place, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Conversation and interaction with like-minded people is going to make your day, says Ganesha. Shooting ideas, brainstorming and casual discussions may enlighten you today. Those around you will enjoy your company.

Capricorn : You are a die-hard romantic and with every plan to please your sweetheart, you are taking him/her closer to the cloud nine. But, don’t live in fantasy world, warns Ganesha, as problems are going to follow you everywhere. If you are a businessman, your rivals may give you a hard time. Take proper care of your health, advises Ganesha.

Aquarius : You will remember this day for the rest of of life as today you will make some important decisions and give a new direction to your life. You are in for a windfall and cherry on the cake will be all the recognition and rewards you get for your sincerity and hard work, predicts Ganesha. These positive vibes will help you make sure that you are on the right track.

Pisces : You will finally realize the worth of your resources today. You will take a decision to increase your savings and clamp down on unnecessary expenses. Your expenses are likely to increase temporarily. It is a good idea to invest in debt schemes today, says Ganesha.