Sunday Feb 22-2015
Aries : Curl, massage, clip, tweeze, polish, gloss, condition… today, will you attempt to shed your old skin. A dream date may have you in jitters but Ganesha suggests that you take it easy. True relationships are not sealed by glossy kisses alone!
Taurus : Today, you may experience the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain. Household tasks may weigh you down around afternoon. Later in the day, you will be able to achieve whatever you desire solely on account of your determination and mental strength. Pleasure awaits in the warmth and company of your soul mate, says Ganesha.
Gemini : Today, you will do an amazing job in dividing your time between work and family. Despite your preoccupation with work, you will take time off for your family, and even plan out a small outing, leaving them pleasantly surprised. Also, your dreams are about to come true. Now, how many times does that happen in a lifetime?
Cancer : Ganesha advises you to watch your back today. However, he wants to make it clear that you may be at the receiving end of others’ actions. Anyway, your cautious and watchful approach will save you from needless discomfiture. In short, life will teach you priceless and precious lessons today, predicts Ganesha.
Leo : Do not be surprised if you find yourself today in a situation that somehow feels like a landmark moment in your life. Whether it is a personal matter or something related to work, that you must wait to find out, you will need all your grit and diplomacy to sail through. Stay balanced! One thing assured is that your social reputation shall receive a tremendous boost today!
Virgo : You will be bubbling with ideas today. You may face a dilemma between your obligations and present duties, which could prove to be very perplexing. New contacts turn out to be very useful. Ganesha says blood is thicker than water, and family and friends will cement their relationship with you.
Libra : Letting things build up inside you is never a good idea. Learn from this as there is every possibility that today might turn out to be an aggravating and exasperating day for you. You may feel that way due to all the amassed emotions and resentments, so let it all go. It would be a good idea to take a break from the routine and bring in some freshness. Recharge yourself by indulging in some fun and frolic today, says Ganesha.
Scorpio : While not the Trot, you shall, however, trot on the lines of radicalism today, predicts Ganesha. Learn to think as you would, and always have, but act as others would have you to, advises Ganesha. Be the maverick that you are only with those who are closest and dearest, cautions Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Your friend base is slated to multiply today. At work, additional responsibilities will be thrust upon you, and you will also be given charge of new resources. Ganesha predicts you taking up the challenge and emerging triumphant in all spheres today.
Capricorn : You will be overpowered with nostalgia and may long to get in touch with old pals. And as Ganesha says, chances are that you may take a liking to your ex-lover, while simultaneously strengthening your social standing. All in all, the day will be a productive one.
Aquarius : You need not always put up a brave face, feels Ganesha. You can ventilate your emotions and speak your heart out in front of your loved ones. It will make the pain bearable and you’ll probably get a way out of your problems. You will feel better by the evening, and a sweet smile will brighten up your face.
Pisces : Now is the time when the inner circle of friends that you have nurtured over the years will prove their worth, says Ganesha. It is good to know that in times of need you can bank on their support and count on their cooperation. You will be able to luxuriate in the benefits of their friendship today.