
Sunday Aug 30-2015  

Aries : You will experience a profound connection with the cosmos today. And you will be very grateful to the almighty for showering his grace on you. Your love for your kith and kin deepens today, says Ganesha, and you will spend extravagantly on them.

Taurus : Nostalgia will paint your workplace a bright energetic red today, says Ganesha. All the problems that life throws at you will be deflected by your tough exterior and efficient capabilities. Medals and trophies beckon as you taste success and emerge a winner.

Gemini : Putting things in order will be your top priority, says Ganesha. You will possibly have a romantic dinner with your sweetheart. Seductive conversations may culminate in sensuous consummation. Your personal feelings will stir up your partner’s private thoughts.

Cancer : The day looks set to be an ordinary day, for both work and play, says Ganesha. Yet, if you are planning to participate in an event or a competition today, march ahead, by all means. There will, practically, be no one who’ll be able to compete with you. On other fronts, expect things to be rather calm and mundane, with no significant ups and downs.

Leo : If you are wondering whether you’ll get the carrot or the stick today, then Ganesha has some good news for you: the day promises to bring only rewards for you. This will be especially true for your workplace, where your innate talents get recognised today. Expect positive support from your colleagues, and oodles of inspiring tips from your superiors. Just be careful not to get carried away by your success. What goes up must come down, cautions Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha feels that today may be an important turning point in your life. You will look to secure the money much required for your bright future. Relationship matters will top your priorities during the afternoon today. You may also feel the need for spirituality, so try your hand at meditation and yoga.

Libra : Today is an important day for you, and you will learn a lot from your life partner. Even on the work front, business partners will extend their best possible cooperation to you. Your chances of winning in cut-throat competitions are very bright today, predicts Ganesha.

Scorpio : Two words will define your day — eloquence and elegance. Sweet talk and compliments may take you a long way, but do not become complacent and get carried away with your success. Sometimes, saying the right thing may be more beneficial than saying what the other person wants to hear. Communicate carefully, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Unnecessary expenditure might clog your bill today, feels Ganesha. Organising and detailing will be a time-sink as you will spend hapless hours trying to discipline things. The vibrant evening will be a contrast to your hectic day as you kick back and relax while socialising.

Capricorn : You may not get as popular as Romeo did, but your exceedingly romantic nature will earn you quite a reputation, not to forget the hypnotic effect it will have on your sweetheart, says Ganesha. On the flip side, troubles will chase you everywhere; you are likely to face problems with your business rivals and health condition, but your mind will be on guard always, giving you an edge over your opponents.

Aquarius : Today, you will want to expand your horizon of knowledge. You will give a tough fight to your opponents and come out triumphant, feels Ganesha. Troubles will not be able trouble you as you will able to turn them into your advantage. You are clever, talented and have all that it takes to fly high. Just believe in the strength of your wings.

Pisces : Your inherent talents, competitive colleagues and supportive superiors will spur you on to great heights at the workplace, beginning today. Make sure that you do not get carried away by little victories, says Ganesha. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip!