
Sunday Sep 06-2015

Aries : No matter what you do, today you are not going to have your way. The times when you have been selfish are finished. Besides, you are likely to solicit trouble today. It may actually turn out to be good for you, says Ganesha, provided you change the focus of your actions.

Taurus : It is very likely that you will stay physically alert and spiritually awake today, forecasts Ganesha. You will discover an artistic temperament as you engage in performing arts, designing, graphics and special effects. You will also appear extremely tempting to the opposite gender.

Gemini : Your heightened sensitivity will make you an emotional wreck today. You will be desirous of solitude and will avoid the company of others. Meditative practices, religious rituals or yoga can help lift your mood, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Business rivals will try to wipe out your prestige, but will fail. Bold people can steer clear of hurdles and you are bold. So with Ganesha’s grace you will be successful. People will praise your honesty and generosity. Your efforts alone beget you laurels.

Leo : Your interactions with those around will you be tinged with understanding and empathy, as you will make an effort to solve their problems. Your relations with people will become stronger as a result. You need to stop worrying about others and pay more attention to your family, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You enjoy a strong position, but its foundations will be rattled today. In all probability you may have to encounter some unwanted problems which will be a cause for worry. However, Ganesha says you may still end up doing something beneficial if you get out of the rut and attempt to do something unusual.

Libra : To be or not to be? Well, that may not be your precise state of mind, but Ganesha does see possibilities of you being puzzled and perplexed today when it comes to professional issues. Chances are that in the afternoon, you may happen to run into an unpleasant situation, so just keep your cool. In any case, things shall get better by the evening. The latter part of the day is favourable, so go ahead and express you long-cherished love for that special someone, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : You shall be a live wire today – full of energy and zest. Freelancers will take imagination to new levels when working. At work, your inspiration will kick-start an epidemic of vigour and high-performance. Surprises in the evening will end the day on a high note, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Work, work and more work will be your day’s agenda. A power-packed performance is expected from you. Though hectic, the day will be easy going as your bosses are likely to be lenient on you. Love and affection from family is on the cards as well.

Capricorn : You’re on the verge of losing hopes as you can’t bear the weight of work and responsibilities any more. But, like the strong individual that you are, you are not going to put your arms down without fighting fiercely. Also, your mental strength and physical stamina will be acknowledged and appreciated by one and all, predicts Ganesha.

Aquarius : It is not only important to ideate, but also to get those ideas executed is equally important. Don’t worry though, you are good at both, assures Ganesha. Icing on the cake will be your communication skill which gets you through the door every time. For students, it will be an amazing day.

Pisces : You are likely to be filled with overwhelming ambition today. You will be driven and prepare meticulously to tackle your projects. Evening should see you in the company of like-minded individuals, busy with intellectual activities, says Ganesha.