
Sunday Sept 20-2015

Aries : You are deeply interested in the occult and the paranormal and today, you may indulge in something to do with it. So, you may buy a full colour 15×10 glossy on shamanic rites or the tantra! Ganesha suggests using such knowledge for peaceful ends.

Taurus : This day, you will be able to express and communicate your ideas and feelings very convincingly, assures Ganesha. All those to who come in contact with you today will be clear, and appreciative about whatever you tell them. At work your superiors are likely to be responsive and helpful. Al said and done, you are not likely to face any difficulties or disappointments today. You will consider that day well spent and go to bed happy, satisfied.

Gemini : Bosses will assign new responsibilities to you, predicts Ganesha. Your daytime distress, however, will transform into jubilation by the end of the day’s work, as you will be able to produce brilliant results. Ganesha advises you to delay bidding for tenders by a few days.

Cancer : You may be in one of your more frivolous moods today, foresees Ganesha. Gossip, fun, laughter and some harmless flirting shall make your day interesting, yet these are not the pastimes you usually enjoy. Hence, as the day rolls on, you shall find yourself to your reserved, reticent self concentrating hard on getting the work done to make way for the early evening gym/ driving class. Good going, after all finding balance is just the right thing to do.

Leo : To many, you will seem to have got your senses back after a long time. Reason? You will finally have a definite career plan in mind. Although, it’s not really a big deal for you when your mind races and yearns to achieve in two warring directions, it may seem quite jarring and unreal to the mere mortals. And, considering that you Leos are almost always in two minds about everything, getting a definite plan of action is quite an achievement, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Leadership is your forte and you shall receive kudos for the manner in which you handle your team. Much awaited promotions will materialise and so will some extra cash in your wallet. Wisely enough, you didn’t get all this by not effectively balancing home and work, says Ganesha. Don’t slip on this tight-rope walk.

Libra : Ganesha says today will be a wonderful day and bring forth a breakthrough for you. You shall get to know and learn a lot from top most officials and elderly people. The higher ups in your office will give you good support today. Ganesha warns you to stay away from judicial proceedings or pleadings, as today is not a good day for fighting court battles.

Scorpio : Ganesha warns you of a long, dreary day today. Though not completely at a loss, you may feel lost and desire to spend some time alone with yourself. The empty nest syndrome is likely to invade and hold your mental peace at ransom, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : A balanced day is in store today. Find yourself as much at home as at your desk. You may engage in a time of fun and games with your buddies. But when it comes to family, something more practical, like re-arranging your house, is on the cards.

Capricorn : Your exuberance and self-confidence will become the talk of the day for those around you. But it’s not for nothing that you will attract so much attention. You will derive pleasure in accomplishing herculean tasks today, and Ganesha says you will do justice to work too. At home, everything will go smooth and you will enjoy and share the peace in your life with your wife. On the whole, you will have a cheerful day ahead.

Aquarius : Team work and cooperation bring out the best in you, so you must make the most of a chance to work in a group. It could be brainstorming, or campaigning for an environmental cause or even playing beach ball! A game of cards in the evening, and consider your day well spent, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Your inherent dynamism and energy will sparkle forth today. Freelancers will be struck with inspiration, and will conjure masterpieces. Pleasant surprises await you in the evening, says Ganesha.