
Thursday   Oct 01-2015

Aries : Today in the morning you will choose to approach work audaciously. You will churn out fancy ideas. However, Ganesha says, by noon, you will feel disoriented again. Ganesha urges you to take a break to re-energise yourself.

Taurus : You are likely to find yourself at odds with people today, says Ganesha. Avoid confrontations and arguments as it may lead to serious fights. Legal issues may creep up unexpectedly. Relax and spend some time with yourself to return to your charm and cheer. Delay the inauguration of important activities for another day, recommends Ganesha.

Gemini : Ganesha warns that those around you could harbour feelings of enemity against you today. These people will try to malign your name and slander your reputation. However, in front of you these people will act like your well-wishers. You will taste the sweet fruit of success after much hard work, post noon, says Ganesha.

Cancer : A new friend will join your circle or you establish friendship with someone. You will be spending the day in entertainment or party with friends. But tension will prevail in the office. Yet, says Ganesha, a sense of joy will thrive on the domestic front.

Leo : You will take some important decisions regarding personal or professional matters today, says Ganesha. The later half of the day will be spent enjoying with your family and friends. An extremely progressive day awaits.

Virgo : Your emotional outlook today will lead to many alterations in your personal behaviour. Ganesha says you are likely to focus on some options that will lead to high spending. In the afternoon, says Ganesha, you are likely to play host to some members of your extended family and friends at home.

Libra : Ganesha says today will be a lucky day for you. You will make all efforts possible to please the person you love. You will pay special attention to your appearance and try to change your personality and attitude. There are chances of new romantic relationships developing for those looking for love.

Scorpio : In all likeliness, you shall be unreasonably tentative and curious. Professionally, seek out tougher challenges. You shall shower love and affection on your loved ones today. Those awaiting for wedding bells to toll might hear some good news, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Money matters stand to be at the forefront today. Lady Luck will smile on you, as you may see monetary gains from your business. But fickle as fortune is — and not that you would mind — evening might be spent in buying the most exquisite jewellery for your sweetheart. But beware of con games and watch that purse carefully.

Capricorn : Today, you will be performing a balancing act as you will be balancing your domestic demands on one end and professional commitments on the other. Eventually, you will spend more time with your friends and family. You are surrounded with experienced and matured people, so ask for their guidance whenever you feel confused, advises Ganesha.

Aquarius : You will transform abstract ideas into practical and tangible strategies today, and deserve all the credit. You will also appreciate and understand life a little more, says Ganesha. You may finally reach out for the Bhagwad Gita your mother has been pressing you to read.

Pisces : In spite of the pressure and stress you will be labouring under at the workplace today, you can expect to excel in all the activities that you choose to pursue. On the domestic front, the support that your family members extend will prove to be invaluable, says Ganesha.