
Wednesday 04-2015

Aries : With your substantial inter-personal abilities, you will accomplish a great deal today, says Ganesha. Your power of expression will impress many people. Financial rewards are on the cards, but be cautious about minor accidents and illnesses.

Taurus : You will find comfort, perched on a branch in the family tree, today. Your maturity will help you deal with emotional issues with ease. Energy and exuberance will be an investment you make today, the results of which you will reap in the days to come, hopes Ganesha.

Gemini : You will be lost in the memories of the past today. You will be in a nostalgic frame of mind. Intellectual pursuits will attract you. Do not let your past lay a shadow upon your present and your future, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will tackle with ease, even the most confounding challenges today. You may be the scapegoat, though, fears Ganesha. Beware, or this may shake you and lower your self-confidence. Try to shake off your weaknesses, and you should see yourself obtaining energy and positivity.

Leo : You may have arguments with your family members today. You need to adopt an accomodating attitude today, since it is not a very promising day for you. Otherwise nothing may go in your favour. You will have to work harder than usual in the office, says Ganesha.

Virgo : The thinking cap is on your head, and a passionate pulse shall run through you today. Yet, by the mid-day, expect a laid-back, cavalier attitude to grip you. Government officials and other professionals will have a inspiringly assenting day. Your professionalism will shine through, and you may be in for some serious praise from the superiors. Smile and accept the positive feedback graciously.

Libra : Your concern for your family surmounts all else, that much Ganesha knows. Today, you will fulfil your filial duties in all that you undertake. As Ganesha rightly points out: All good things begin at home, including your fortune and good luck.

Scorpio : The target is locked in and the arrow is shot. It is only a matter of time before Cupid celebrates and hits the bull’s eye and you find yourself in the mush of things. Sentiments and romance will be the order of the day. There is a good chance that marriage proposals or new relationships will find their footing today, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You are in a mood to spend money of home décor, paintings or artefacts. Go ahead, and decorate your home. Ganesha foresees success on your cards today. Workplace has never been scuh an interesting place before. Planning and implementation will make your day easier.

Capricorn : You will feel little lost in the maze of problems and tricky situations. You will, however, find a way out, feels Ganesha. You like to be in a commanding position at work where you guide others and call the shots. But, it has a flip side, too. While you will be appreciated for the achievements, you will also have to bear the brunt if anything goes wrong.

Aquarius : You will prove yourself today by staying ahead of your rivals in all ways. You will conquer your frustrations, and will soon be raring to go. Your pleasing demeanour endears you to others and you win admiration from all quarters, says Ganesha.

Pisces : An action-packed day awaits you, busy as you will be corresponding with old contacts, telephonic interviews, organising meetings and scheduling tasks, says Ganesha. Do not forget to breathe!