
Monday Feb 15-2016

Aries : Hats off to you, says Ganesha, for the way you will deal with relationships today. You are also up to something secretive today. But be careful about getting caught in something where you have to dole out money. Otherwise, it’s fun and cheer all the way.

Taurus : Overall, it will be a good day to relax and enjoy good health, says Ganesha. However, there is a catch: you will need to be vigilant when it comes to money matters as there is a looming threat of swindling or mismanaging. An evening of merry-making will subdue your love for delicacies and good food.

Gemini : You will be able to divide your attention between personal and professional life. Workplace will become pretty exciting during the afternoon. By evening, you will get plenty of opportunities to shower your affection on your loved ones, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, you may have to pay a lot of attention to educational and intellectual activities, predicts Ganesha. There may be novel business proposals and job offers in the afternoon. The opposite sex will be attracted to you like iron pins are attracted to a magnet. However, you are likely to be loyal to the one you love.

Leo : Rise and shine! There is a very bright chance that today will be one of those super energetic and enthusiastic days. Ganesha predicts you will have a great time socialising with neighbours, friends and relatives. Also, you may end up spending a small fortune in trying to please your sweetheart. Since it is such a good day for social occasions, indulge in it. Also, delay the start of any new project or work today, advises Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha foresees a strong probability that you will keep your feet firmly planted on the ground in the face of adversity. The afternoon sun may bring some good returns or much awaited results for you. Love and affection will bring tranquillity in your family life. There is a distinct possibility of new relationships developing later in the day, says Ganesha.

Libra : Ganesha forecasts mostly superficial and thin-skinned issues as the likely cause of your unease and nervousness today. Matters relating to government rules and regulations will be on the table today at your workplace. But evening promises a lighter fare; your fine taste in arts shall receive applause from all quarters.

Scorpio : There are chances that you may easily get irritated and infuriated today, predicts Ganesha. Keep a lid on your anger or it may lead to irreconcilable differences. Avoid confrontations and unnecessary complications at work as well. You will spend a lot of time in finding out solutions to pending problems.

Sagittarius : You may turn to your family for love and happiness today, predicts Ganesha. But your soul searching will come at a high material cost. In the evening, you may encounter a thrilling love prospect with who you might indulge in some adventurous activity. It might be the beginning of a platonic love affair, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Work pressure may take a toll on you today, but you will overcome all impediments and excel in whatever work you undertake, says Ganesha. Support and motivation await you at home as family members will be exceedingly tolerant of your actions and endeavours.

Aquarius : Wake up! Things are moving quickly and you want to keep pace. Today, your ideas find a place in the sun, and you will bask in all the attention you garner. You need to decide quickly about certain matters, but leave the big decisions for now, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You are likely to be sweating today at work, and it is neither the weather nor an ill-fitting suit that is the cause, says Ganesha. You will try your best to get your views across, and the post-afternoon lunch siesta is probably the best time to hammer your point home because that is when your boss will have all the energy to argue against. However, conserve some of your energy for an action-filled evening with your heartthrob. You know what all work and no play can do to a man.