Tuesday Apr 26-2016
Aries : There is all likelihood today of things not shaping up as you desired. It may seem you made all the wrong investments, as the benefits may be very less. However, Ganesha indicates that life is full of unexpected happenings. There is a chance that you may meet an old friend which will make you very happy.
Taurus : There is an unexpected occurrence waiting at every bend and turn in your path today. With maturity for sword and mellowness as shield, you will sift through everything that life throws at you. Some long-standing problems will also be solved by today evening, says Ganesha.
Gemini : You are likely to throw a small treat for your relatives. Though the rest of the day will be spent cleaning the utensils and putting the place in order, you will manage to get some time for your friends, maybe by arranging a slumber party. A day full of partying and post-party cleaning, except for the evening yoga classes.
Cancer : A chance of misunderstanding likely with anyone, says Ganesha. Not the time to take a decision, whereby you repent later. Transfer to a new place, or auspicious function at home are indicated. Ganesha sends his blessings.
Leo : The stars bring out the best in the artist hidden inside you. It may not be a Picasso or a Rembrandt, but nonetheless, today, your work shall stand out as exceptional. Ganesha foresees an afternoon spent in making use of the excellent communication and oratorical skills that you possess. When at work, you shall bring with you a spirit full of energy and enthusiasm that spreads exuberance in spite of others’ criticism. The best way to silence your critics is to do what you do, and do it well!
Virgo : A day to don both – those trainers and that thinking cap. Exercise those muscles and that mass of grey cells, says Ganesha. Work hard and you’ll get paid rich dividends for it. A romantic tryst with your loved one promises to end the day on a high note.
Libra : It’s a good day to get your hands on new valuables, says Ganesha — perhaps a new car, or even a new house, maybe. So, look forward to having to move to a new place soon. If you are feeling dejected at work, you will have to deal with it yourself. But you could always turn to meditation sometime in the evening to help alleviate your blues, advises Ganesha.
Scorpio : Although appearances are deceptive, they are probably the best with which to judge something or someone. Don’t get stuck in the rat race, and make a mark for yourself. In the evening, you will probably take extra care to be a show-stopper, predicts Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Those into aerobics and callisthenics will find themselves on the top of their game today. Expect a sudden turn of events sometime from afternoon. Ganesha sees you prowling the corridors of power at work today. You shall synchronise your career and family superbly.
Capricorn : The heaps of files waiting to get disposed of may finally reach your desk. You will be prompt in dealing with pending work, and will get all the support you need from you subordinates, says Ganesha. For those engaged in business, keep your vigil, especially while dealing with your competitors. You have the potential to beat them in their own game.
Aquarius : Life reveals itself to you in the simplest of things today. It will dawn upon you that you have a lot going for yourself, personally and professionally. This appreciation reflects in the small considerations that you show to your loved ones. This is perfection, asserts Ganesha.
Pisces : A nice, smooth day is in the offing. You will meet some people today who will turn out to be reliable and trustworthy in the long run. No conflicts ought to arise to trip you, and you will probably end up rounding off the day basking in the affection of your near and dear ones, says Ganesha.