
Monday  Aug  12-2013   

Aries : You are feeling nervous today. There may be something particular playing on your mind which makes you circumspect. Ganesha advises you to make the best of the evening, when you might be invited to a party or a social gathering. Things may turn out to be in your favour.

Taurus : You need to exercise great discretion in planning your agendas and taking important decisions. Do not undertake anything simply because it appeals to your nature. Be sure that, this day, you are going to feel uncomfortable in taking uncomfortable firm decisions on your own. Ganesha recommends that you should seek counsel of some well known consultant, preferably an advocate. Today, you should refrain from taking major decisions of any kind without consulting the right people.

Gemini : A hectic and challenging day awaits you. You will be busy with your family members and children, tending to their needs. New deadlines at work may put pressure on you. Love and romance will give you the fuel needed to keep going, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You plan a slow but steady strategy to achieve your goals. Your business rivals can come nowhere you in efficiency or expertise. You will win all-out praise for this from all quarters. And, Ganesha is highly delighted.

Leo : You will be bothered by health related issues. Your diet will be a major cause of worry. You will have opportunities to progress in your professional life. You need to make the most of this favourable period and seize all the opportunities that present themselves to you, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha advises you to work really hard so that your peers and superiors notice your efforts. However, recognition will not be forthcoming to the same extent. You may relax at the end of the day with the consolation that you have given it your best shot.

Libra : Ganesha says you will be able to spend unforgettable moments with your beloved. To please your beloved and be able to propose to them you will spend a happy evening with them and take them out for a romantic dinner. All those dreams that you have seen about a lovely romantic relationship will be coming true for you soon.

Scorpio : Your far sightedness will make you realise the importance of financial security. Thus, you are in a mood to make long term investments. Social recognition awaits you in the evening. Ganesha feels that people look up to you as a wise person and thus seek high values from you.

Sagittarius : You are on a high today, professionally and personally. You have a good convincing power and you will be using it to the optimum level. Seek advice of experienced and seniors for better implementation of ideas on professional front, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You’ll feel trapped and everyone is trying to bog you down by hook or crook. Others may bully you and it may shatter you confidence. Do not worry though, as your luck is guarding you, assures Ganesha. Even if others are mean to you, their behaviour will not mar your health or image. You will not surrender to the adversities, as your talents will direct you towards a safer place.

Aquarius : You will play the role of a peace maker, today. You will create a harmonious environment around by solving problems of everyone, including yours, with tact and diplomacy. Embrace any career opportunity coming your way, because it may turn out to be one of the most advantageous decisions you have even made, advises Ganesha. You will enjoy a blissful evening with your sweetheart.

Pisces : You are very particular about the way you go about completing your tasks, and take yourself very seriously. While you may not always reap the benefits of your labor, today you will finally receive long due appreciation. You will be popular with your co-workers today. However, you need to continue as you have been and not become complacent, says Ganesha.