
Sunday   Feb 17-2019

Aries : Today, you may want to express your artistic streak. Hence, you may either decide to paint the walls of your house in vibrant colours, or touch up some old unused furniture in art deco style. You may even get nostalgic about an old matchbox collection and decide to restore it. Ganesha encourages all such fulfilling activity.

Taurus : A good day for money and love (you need more?). A quality, professional approach will help you shine out in business today. Be it launching a product or marketing it, you will win yourself hearts, smiles and a bundle of green. Let the leader in you take over during the day and the lover in you return by night, says Ganesha.

Gemini : A day when you get the opportunity to show what stuff you are made of. By afternoon, you will be in your elements and will feel almost invincible. Your optimism will rub off on your colleagues and the atmosphere at the workplace will be nothing short of electrifying, says Ganesha. Also, you will attract a lot of attention from the opposite sex. The evening will culminate into a passionate affair.

Cancer : Today you are likely to be full of enthusiasm, both at work and home, predicts Ganesha. At work, your convictions will get the better of other people’s vindictiveness, and your colleagues will come around to your viewpoints. But don’t take any critical decision without prior approval.

Leo : If you are the one who sets the corporate mantra each morning, then know that today, your mantra will be fabulous, and will be chanted by many in your organisation. Being a business magnate might not be the easiest thing, but you are who you are, and you are good at it. Your business-like approach shall come in handy later in the day, as you may launch new products in the market, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Watch you step, warns Ganesha. Trouble is lurking just round the corner and waiting to waylay you. At work, you will find yourself in a high-spirited mood and will be helpful to your colleagues. You might end the day in the company of family members recollecting the happy days you have spent in each other’s company.

Libra : Some private possessions are close to your heart, and you may want to keep them that way, says Ganesha. Let your mind walk the hidden alleyways of mysticism in the afternoon as you seek peace of mind. Also, do not discount a trip to a sacred place, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Health issues are on top of the list today. Spend more time working out those muscles than working, says Ganesha. Those in marketing and advertising shall have a golden day today. The correct dose of marketing mix will help reap maximum profits.

Sagittarius : You are likely to pull up your socks today shoulder the responsibilities that come your way. You may fall short of money due to some unexpected expenses. However, nothing can deter you from taking your sweetheart on a date. Have a lovely evening!

Capricorn : The day will have a bundle of things to offer today, some good, some not so good. At work, you are likely to overlook the most obvious things, and come across some unexpected ones. But as dawn turns to dusk, a pleasant surprise may get you all pepped up.

Aquarius : It always pays to have extra cash, and in that regard, you will be a happy person today! You may carefully update and crosscheck your financial position. Of course, there are people who don’t share your happiness and will try to advise you to the contrary. Ignore them, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Your emotions are likely to rule you today. Expenses, which will cause you to dip into your savings, are indicated. Evening should see you build up an amazing connection with a special someone, says Ganesha.