
Aries : You have chosen to pay more attention to the voice of your inner self, and Ganesha approves of it. You crave for perfection in everything you do. You will be practical and rational. Ganesha says being a bit adventurous will help.

Taurus : Though this day appears to be like all other normal days it will be a very hectic one. Ganesha sees you buried under files and papers, trying hard to cope up with the overload, getting completely drained out and, possibly and falling sick. There is nothing wrong in staying active and occupied. But overdoing is bad strategy. Try to take on tasks and responsibilities that you can handle without breaking your back or wearing yourself out.

Gemini : You will feel that your personal life is much more important than your professional needs today. Therefore you will concentrate more on your family members and their needs. It is a day filled with joy and happiness, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will be in high spirits and shall be feeling energetic today. Common sense will prevail at work, and as you get on with the day, better things will follow. Ganesha predicts that you will be showered with love and affection by your lover. Now, what can be better than this! Have fun.

Leo : It is an auspicious time to undertake journey related to business. Religious and educational pursuits will be amply rewarded. The later half of the day will see you divert your attentions in the correct direction to resolve some issues. You will have to take on a lot of mental labour today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha predicts that your leadership qualities may come to the fore today, and you may control the work agenda. You may go window-shopping in the afternoon, checking out on gifts that you want to give to your beloved. And in the evening, you will spend the time discussing your long-term goals with a close member of your family or a good friend.

Libra : Ganesha says that officials and colleagues will be very impressed with your working capacity and your skills and you will do your work satisfactorily with your never give up ability and your intelligence. You will be able to meet and get along with unknown people and circumstances. Around evening you may get impatient and edgy.

Scorpio : A systematic organiser and a perfect planner, that’s what you are, when it comes to work. According to Ganesha, this attitude of yours would help you develop fondness towards your work. You may even have the knack of solving problems and hurdles in the professional field.

Sagittarius : Blood will be thicker than water today. And your relatives – near and distant – will bring much pleasure today. But Ganesha portends you being at loggerheads with your colleagues. However, progress will not elude you today.

Capricorn : If you do something, you put your heart and soul into it. Such dedication gets you the best. You tend to exert your energies though, says Ganesha, so you will need to learn the art of delegation. It will not only take load off your shoulders but also enhance the quality of final output.

Aquarius : Your curiosity will work wonders for you today. You have spent a lot of time and energy for planning your future, be it a business venture or higher studies, and now you will start executing those plans, foresees Ganesha. Keep working hard, you will surely get the rewards for your efforts.

Pisces : You will be ready to lay down your life for your near and dear ones today. Even if you don’t do anything so melodramatic, you will end up sacrificing your comfort to benefit someone close to you. It is best to postpone important decisions for a day, or three. Do not indulge in taking risks, for they are unlikely to pay off, says Ganesha.