How a Solicitor Can Help You Negotiate a Better Divorce Settlement

Going through a divorce can be emotionally and financially draining. While you may want to finalise your divorce as quickly and amicably as possible, it’s important not to rush into a settlement without fully understanding your rights. Hiring an experienced family law solicitor can help you negotiate a fair agreement that protects your interests.

Assess Your Financial Situation

One of the first things a solicitor from a firm like PA Duffy & Co solicitors will do is gain a clear picture of your financial circumstances. They’ll request disclosure of income, assets, pensions, debts and other financial information from your spouse. Based on this, they can advise if the proposed settlement is reasonable or if certain assets should be divided differently. A solicitor can also spot potential disputes over asset valuation early, so these can be resolved before finalising the financial settlement.

Determine Your Entitlements

There are certain entitlements under UK divorce law that an experienced solicitor will ensure you receive. This includes ongoing spousal maintenance if there’s a disparity in your incomes and needs. You may also be entitled to a share of any pensions built up during the marriage. A solicitor will calculate your entitlements under the law so you don’t miss out in the negotiations.

Negotiate the Details

Your solicitor is your advocate in negotiating the finer details of your settlement. This includes issues like who remains in the family home, ownership and division of other properties, pension sharing arrangements, division of savings and allocation of debts. They can negotiate firmly on your behalf to push for an outcome in your best interests. This takes the emotion out of discussions and focuses negotiations on the legal and financial facts.

Obtain Fair Child Support

If you have children, your solicitor will negotiate suitable arrangements for their financial support. This includes appropriate levels of child maintenance from the higher earning spouse. It may also cover division of childcare costs, school fee contributions and other expenses related to raising your children. Your solicitor will aim to maximise financial support while maintaining relationships.

Avoid Costly Mistakes

Divorce laws in the UK are complex. A solicitor understands the legislation and case law that applies, helping you avoid mistakes that could disadvantage you. For example, they’ll ensure you don’t unintentionally give up certain entitlements or rights you may have over the family home. With so much financially at stake, it’s worth having an expert guide you through the process.

Navigate Tax Implications

Some settlement arrangements can lead to tax liabilities if structured poorly. Your solicitor will consider potential capital gains tax and other tax consequences that could arise. They can then advise you on the most tax-efficient approach to structuring your settlement. This prevents an unexpectedly high tax bill down the track.

Support You Emotionally

While solicitors provide legal counsel, they understand divorces are also highly emotional events. A good family law solicitor will handle your situation with empathy and compassion. They’ll provide reassurance along the way and be someone you can trust to act in your best interests. Having expert support on your side during a challenging time can make a big difference.

Going through a divorce without legal representation can put you at a disadvantage in negotiations. An experienced family law solicitor levels the playing field and ensures you receive your full entitlements. With so much at stake both financially and emotionally, securing expert legal counsel is an investment that’s well worth making.