How long will this country tolerate?

Shiban Khaibri
Over optimism, very often oversimplifies the truth and the problem is to see reality as it is and the reality is that such conditions and atmosphere can be currently seen in the country which really aches and disturbs. How can , therefore, one brush aside the alarming situation in the country , if it is said that the same is tried to be made akin to pre 1947 conditions, it won’t be any hyperbole when Muslim League, intoxicated after winning more than 89 per cent of the Muslim seats in the 1946 provincial elections to elect members of the legislative councils of British Indian provinces , claimed to be the sole representative of Indian Muslims. In the same way, decks are attempted to be cleared for creating fissures and seditious feelings and even open threatening like by a “learned” scholar – former AMU students Union President FaizulHasan saying, “Look at the Muslims in India , from the year 1947 until now , they have shown a lot of patience , if people of this community are angered or provoked, we are from such a qaum that we can destroy India.”
Recall the same words , the same threatening given by MA Jinnah in 1946 after Muslims wholeheartedly voted for Muslim League that “Either partitioned India or destroyed India.” The question is not about what venom was spewed by this “peace loving scholar” of AMU but how many leaders of his ‘qaum’ who are not tired of saying as to why they are asked to give proof of patriotism even if “we do not sing Vande Matram and National Anthem”, have criticised and condemned his seditious statement. How many, again, from Congress, TMC, SP, Communists , NCP etc have condemned him and arranged press conferences in the same gusto as they demonstrate when they have to criticise Modi and his policies. Should we believe that so far the present dispensation is attempted to be discredited, derided and defamed by these opposition parties , they do not mind even if seditious, secessionist and provocative narratives even to the extent of destroying and breaking this country were made. Can you, friends, connect the threads with February 2016 when many “liberal and democratic ” students of JNU sang in chorus “Bharat terey tukdeyhongen Insha- Allah : Insha Allah” In the evening, same day, Rahul Gandhi along with other Congress leaders, AaAa Party leader Kejriwal , Communist leaders etc visited JNU showing full solidarity with seditious and Tukdey Tukdey Gangs and empathising with them being “victims” of Modi’s anti-democratic policies. We ask Fizul Hasan as to what for Indian Muslims, who chose to remain in India and did not cross over to Pakistan, have been showing patience since 1947 and why and what for according to him, they would destroy this country.
Not only FaizulHasan, but the one who is mastermind of “Shaheen Bagh movement” Sharjeel Imam is inciting mobs for cutting Assam and North Eastern states from India . He has openly given a call to 5 lakh Muslims to create riots and says, “If we have to “help” Assam, then we will have to cut the Assam from rest of India ; Muslims should cut the chicken’s neck of India which connects North East region to rest of India so that Indian Army cannot reach there.” Not only is this type of “peaceful” protest witnessed against CAA , the game is something entirely different, under the theatrics of holding tricolour , the children are tutored to vow (God forbid) death to the Prime Minister. Placards are held and exhibited against triple talaq and that Sharia will reign supreme’ and “free Kashmir”. So the agenda is quite different and CAA has fully exposed such elements, enemies of the nation from within. Had Faizul or Sharjeel been found doing or saying in this way in any other country, both of them would have felt the difference of what liberal and tolerant Bharat was as against those countries. What is this all going on in the garb of protests against CAA?
Sharjeel did not stop at that only, He lament-fully but openly says that “Muslims in UP are 30% , shame on you as to why are cities running , majority of Muslims live in cities , so why don’t you block the UP cities?” Ex-student of IIT Mumbai, having remained a columnist with some websites now is an adult research student of History in JNU and inciting for breaking India . Presently,he is hiding in some rat hole to evade legal consequences for seditious activities and declaring war against the state .
This writer feels pained to find that even after heart rending partition of 1947 there should be no change for the better in this country . Certain pertinent questions, therefore, arise because very unfortunately , now push has come to a heavy shove looking to an entirely different scenario replete with disruptive, secessionist and seditious overtures. Are these protests outside Delhi mosques , in Shaheen Bagh and other parts of the country in fact, exuding to build base for pre-1947 conditions once again in India even after Muslim League led by Jinnah sliced India and took Pakistan exclusively for Indian Muslims? Are these protests in fact anger against some settled issues in the country? Are these protests to engineer communal disturbances on larger scale causing death and destruction as the provocative slogans against Hindus, against Hindutav (In fact there is nothing like Hindutav but Hindu religion) , against the unity and integrity of the country are testing the endurance of the Hindu community in particular who otherwise had to pay dearly all these years to uphold secularism in this country, the hounded out 5 lac Kashmiri Pandits from their roots of 5300 years in Kashmir being one main instance? Are these protests to pressurise the Central Government to bring in changes in the CAA in order to open floodgates for “persecuted” Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Myanmar etc into India to completely and drastically change the demographic equations in the country to pave way for Islamic India? What for had Mani Shanker Aiyer, Shashi Tharoor, Digvijay Singh and other “secular” leaders gone to ShaheenBagh and what role is being played by their party in the whole episode and are they conscious of their culpability?
If these forces are emboldened to this extent today that they want to have an Act of Parliament nullified or vouch for Jinnah Wali aazadi and cutting Chickens Neck in the North East, appeasement policy of Congress is largely responsible . What authority had Dr.Manmohan Singh in declaring that Muslims had the first right on India’s resources ? What did he mean by that?Did not senior Congress leader Ashok Chavan recently say that Congress joined the Shiv-Sena led Government on insistence of the Muslim community? Did not the veteran Congress leader Sharad Pawar and his party leader Jatinder Arhad speak in the same tone? So these Congress leaders consult only Muslims about formation of Governments and none else and that Congress existed on their goodwill and support.? Then what was the Raga of their Secularism all about? Rajasthan Congress CM Gehlot advocates dissensions to be aired even at Japurlit event terming the present situation in the country as “unprecedented”.
On the other hand, it is wondered that most of the monopolistic “secular” writers and journalists whose “Balanced viewed” columns are published in top slots of most of the “leading ” Dailies are hailing and eulogising Shaheen Bagh protests and showering all types of praises on them, even showcasing the religious diversity , pluralism and patriotism in them not known with which device the same are measured by them . One noted secular “sociologist ” very recently in an article in a leading Daily finds an inclusive India in Shaheen Bagh protests where the protesters are “articulating their anguish over the discriminatory CAA ” . That writer goes on basing his arguments on “mob lynching, cacophony of Jai Shri Ram, aggression in discourse of nationalism”. He even measures “light in their faces” and “the energy with which they raise slogans” and what not . He further sees in Shaheen Bagh,”depriving Hindutva forces of monopolising the discourse of nationalism ” , even “Muslim dissenter is a nationalist”. So according to that writer and others of his ilk, Shaheen Bagh is a great blessing for democracy and constitution and Sharjeel and Faizul are just healthy dissenters .
It is wondered why most of these “recognised” writers are bent upon advocating the cause of the likes of Shaheen Bagh in India and are now advocating dialogues with them by the government knowing fully that PFI allegedly arranged funds for such protests and as per reports huge amount was withdrawn from dozens of Banks immediately before and during these protests to fund them. Would one give shorn hair of the head to a seeker demanding nothing less than the head itself? What would the Government discuss and concede as demand is not regarding CAA alone but much beyond that. What is this dialogue and negotiations theory intrinsically aimed at and who are the forces that keep on defaming this country for assumed excesses and atrocities on Muslims . This whole conspiracy must be unveiled sooner than later but in the meantime, patriotic Indians must vow to teach proper lessons to such political leaders by not voting for them who verily for votes put the country at great peril .