How to gain the trust of a buyer when you are selling your car

A business which involves a direct sale to end customer always depends on the trust factor. It’s no different when you’re trying to sell your car in Abu Dhabi to a buyer. Same trust factor would work here too, either in favor or against you. If your buyer doesn’t trust your words, if he or she thinks you’re just trying to sell off your car by hook or crook, it won’t help you even if your vehicle itself is in excellent condition. What you need to do first and foremost is, you have to build the trust even before you start telling him/her about your car so that your buyer feels confident and take more interest in the deal.

Listen to your buyer and try to feel him: Understanding the needs of your buyer can save you a lot of time and hassle. It might turn out to be counterproductive if you don’t listen to your buyer. Listening doesn’t mean only listening to his/her words, it actually means putting yourself in their shoes to understand their requirement, desire, fear, anxiety, etc. If you listen to your buyer diligently, and if you feel he/she needs or desires, you will be able to understand and communicate with him in a better way. That’s the first step to build trust between you and your buyer. If you listen to the buyer thoroughly and if you can think from your buyer’s perspective, it will make your job easier to convince him/her about your car and the deal. It merely means that you should not push your buyer to buy your car from wrong qualities and features. Let’s take an example to understand this better. If your buyer says that he has to go to his office by tackling city traffic, he clearly needs a car with automatic transmission. So, you should highlight this feature while showing him the car, and that would make him think positively about your vehicle. Now, if your buyer also mentioned that his office has cramped parking area and you just didn’t pay enough attention to that point and started praising about how big the car is with lots of room inside that would make less sense to your buyer. There are many online sites where you can find lots of used cars for sale in Dubai; hence it’s better to have a look there for the same make and model as yours to see what features are highlighted.


Do not hide things which will surface sooner or later: A car is a mechanical tool which has countless moving parts inside its body. So, obviously, a used car won’t be as flawless as a new car, and your buyer does understand that very well. In fact, your buyer would expect a few minor problems here and there which would require some repairs, and most likely has arranged a budget for such repairs already. The problem arises when you start convincing your buyer that your car has no issue at all. Praising your car is good, in fact, you should do that wholeheartedly, cause that will show your confidence on the vehicle. However, praising unnecessarily and trying to hide faults and repairs would make your buyer suspicious, and he/she won’t feel like buying the car at all. To avoid such a situation, you just need to be honest about your car and have to show the buyer that you’re putting everything on the table openly to be considered. The very first thing you should do is prepare a detailed report of all major repairs done recently and hand that over to your buyer at the very first meeting. Thus you’ve proved that you’re not hiding anything in your sleeves and will that instill the same confidence in your buyer’s mind. Secondly, you should tell your buyer what problems or inconveniences they might face with the car based on your own experience. If it’s a gas guzzler, be honest about it and tell him before he gets a chance to ask you. If it gives a problem while cold starting, tell him about that too. All these small things you might think unnecessary to talk about (buyer knows what model of car this is, so he already knows it’s a gas guzzler), but disclosing them priorly goes a long way in building trust, resulting in a smooth and better deal in favor of you.