How Cell Phone is affecting Your Skin…

Shahnaz Husain

Communication is one of the greatest developments that has impacted modern life. Unlike a few decades ago, today we cannot live without computers, lap tops and mobile phones. In fact, modern methods of communication have made letters and telegrams obsolete! As for the mobile phone, it seems to have become an extension of our bodies. However, the constant usage of mobile phones and its effects have been a cause of concern for sometime now. Several studies have been conducted on its emitted radiation of electromagnetic rays and its impact on our health. According to Harvard Medical School, blue light can affect sleep and potentially cause disease, including retinal problems.
The skin also receives a great deal of radiation through mobile phones. In fact, there are fears that the incidence of skin diseases and contact dermatitis may be increasing. Experts also fear that the increasing use of mobile phones and the long durations of calls may increase the risks of skin problems and other effects, like increase of headaches, disturbances in sleep, fatigue, listlessness and so on. It’s high time that we sit up and consider the effects of mobile phones on our health and even appearance.
We all remember those articles on beauty when we were told not to frown, as it would lead to lines on the forehead. Doctors believe that the constant squinting to read messages on the phone, some of them in small font sizes, can also cause premature lines on the forehead and crow’s feet at the outer corners of the eyes. Over time, these tiny wrinkles and lines become permanent and that too, prematurely. Such problems mean that we need to take regular care of the area around eyes and the skin, to keep these premature visible signs of ageing at bay. The daily application of an outer eye cream would help.
It is said that exposure to the heat exuded by mobile phones on the side of the face, radiation and the blue light, can lead to hyper pigmentation and dark spots or patches on the skin. Naturally, one should decrease usage of cell phones and duration of calls. Or, use a blue tooth device, or maybe earphones, in order to limit the damage. When you are at home, try using your landline as much as possible. For dark spots, protect the skin with a skin serum, specially one containing plant stem cells. Take a few drops of the serum, and smooth it on the skin. Anti-pigmentation gels and creams are also available.
Cell phones are also known to lead to acne or aggravate an acne condition. Actually, cell phones can contain a lot of germs. If you have dandruff, the flakes from the hairline can also be conveyed to the side of the face, leading to pimples and acne. Sebum (the skin and scalp’s natural oil) from the hair can increase oiliness on the face and clog the pores, leading to blackheads and even acne. Clean the phone daily. For oily or acne prone skin wipe with an astringent lotion and cotton wool to reduce oil. Use a facial scrub twice a week, to keep the pores cleansed. Avoid applying scrubs on acne eruptions.
Another cause for concern is the blue light from cell phones and the effect it can have on the skin. Experts believe that the blue light may be leading to skin damage, in terms of visible ageing signs, like wrinkles, pigmented patches or even sagging skin, caused by breakdown of collagen and gradual loss of skin elasticity.
So, what is the answer? The first thing one can do is to have shorter conversations on the cell phone and to use a landline, whenever possible. Experts say that a “hands-free” devise would help to put a greater distance between the phone and the face. Indeed, the impact of cell phones has become a worldwide concern and will surely lead to more research. Meanwhile, we should continue to create more awareness, ensure safety of our children and ourselves from the negative impact of mobile phones.