Human Right Day celebrated enthusiastically

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 10: Political parties as well as education institutions celebrated ‘Human Right Day’ enthusiastically by holding different programs today.
The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference president and Member of the Parliament from Srinagar Dr Farooq Abdullah said that human rights are indispensable and inherent to the dignity of every human being.
Dr Farooq said this in his message on the Day. “The ruling dispensation is using J&K to climb the political ladder nationally by employing a narrative that is not corroborated by ground realities. Far from providing jobs to the youth, the incumbent ruling dispensation at centre which is in direct control of J&K’s affairs has shown the door to hundreds of employed youth,” he said.
He said that the idea of holistic development of the people of J&K will remain elusive until their basic democratic rights are not guaranteed and respected.
Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) made an appeal to Chairman United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) as well as National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) for appropriate action to provide justice to Kashmiri Pandits.
They also appealed that the unholy proxy war which is fought by Pakistan against the innocent people of Kashmir must end at the earliest and also see the plight of the Kashmiri Pandit community who were hounded out from Kashmir and are at present living in bad conditions in different parts of the country.
They should be settled as per their wishes and aspirations (one place settlement) at the land of Kashyap in the Kashmir valley with all fundamentalist rights and with honour and dignity.
NSS Unit of Dogra Law College organised a debate competition to celebrate Human Rights Day on the topic “Should Capital Punishment be Avoided?” wherein 14 students from five year BA LL.B Course and three year LL.B course participated in the contest.
Prof VP Magotra, College Principal expressed his views over the importance of Day and said that after the Nirbhaya Case, law has changed and public sentiments want that there should be death punishment for heinous crimes. What is important is certainty of punishment, while Samar Dev Singh Charak, Secretary, Dogra Educational Trust gave few tips for being a good debater and said that participation in the events and coming on the stage is a good practice for the students of law.
To bring awareness about the importance of human rights in the society in general and youths in specific, Police Technical Training Institute (PTTI) Vijaypur organized a debate competition on the topic “Relevance of Human Rights” in which students of Govt. Higher Secondary School Vijaypur and BBN High School Vijaypur participated. The competition was organized under the supervision of Khalil Ahmed Poswal, Principal PTTI.
The Population Club of Dogra College of Education organized an extension lecture on the theme “Dignity, Freedom and Justice for all”, wherein Samiksha Razdan, Senior Lecturer of the College was the resource person. The lecture began with the formal welcome address given by Akshita Magotra, student of B.Ed. The resource person shared her views regarding dignity, freedom and justice and gave detailed information regarding human and fundamental rights.
The Day was also observed by Nations Development Association (NDA) and highlighted the issues relating economics, political and social achievement on the occasion. Sushil Singh Charak, chief functionary of NDA aware the public about their rights and said that the Association is going on continuously programming in every corner of the Union Territory to teach basic rights with cooperation of administration, judiciary and police.
Department of Sociology GDC RS Pura organized a lecture to commemorate the Day under the aegis of IQAC on the theme “Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All”. The lecture was organized under the guidance College Principal Prof. Sunil Uppal, wherein Prof Jai Mala Thakur HoD Sociology was the resource person. She enlightened the students about the importance of human rights.
Bhartiya College of Education Udhampur organized an inter-college symposium to celebrate the Day in the College premises, wherein Anwar- Ul- Haq, Additional Superintendent of Police was the chief guest. College Principal Dr Anita Bali addressed the public, followed by a thought- provoking presentation regarding human rights was presented by Satuti Sharma, faculty of the College. A total of 16 students participated in the event from different Colleges of the district.