Humanity divided

This has reference to the article ‘A woman in man’s world’ DE Jan 5.
The author has highlighted an important issue in the write-up that is debated almost every day in the society. Even then it seems very difficult to say that there is any palpable change in the attitude of men towards women.
Had there been any perceptible change, Bangaluru, Hyderabad and Delhi molestation cases may not have happened. It may take, one does not know, how much time before man may change his misogynist attitude. There is urgent need to invoke stringent punishment to those involved in crime against women. The cases pertaining to these be fast-tracked to give justice to victims. Besides, it is necessary to impart moral education in schools to arrest the decline in values.
The media is also requested not to portray women in bad light.Unless we change our attitude towards our womenfolk, it will difficult for women to feel safe on streets or in Bangaluru like cultural events.
Yours etc…
Sunil Sharma
Gandhi Nagar

The article ‘A woman in man’s world’ by  Shiekh Eras Sumreen on  Jan 5, 2016  was fabulous and took me towards reality. I congratulate the writer for the beautiful efforts to bring up this issue.
Yours etc….
Megha Jalali
on e-mail