Hurriyat leaders meet Sartaj Aziz amid raging criticism

NEW DELHI : Kashmiri separatist leaders of the Hurriyat Conference today met Sartaj Aziz, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Advisor, who arrived here this  afternoon to participate in the 11th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (FMM11) to be held tomorrow and on November 12.

It was not immediately clear what transpired at the meeting  at the Pakistan High Commission but sources said the Kashmir situation figured at the talks.

Hurriyat leaders Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, Prof Abdul Ghani Bhat and JKLF leader Yaseen Malik attended the meeting.

The meeting, ahead of the discussions between External  Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and Mr Aziz on the margins of the ASEM Foreign Ministers’ meet is, significant as it comes first time after the formation of the Nawaz Sharif Government in Pakistan.

Mr Khurshid is likely to meet Mr Aziz on the sidelines of  the ASEM meet and convey India’s serious concern on repeated violations at the Line of Control (LoC) by Pakistani troops.

The meeting evoked immediate and sharp criticism from  Opposition Parties including the BJP with its president  Rajnath Singh describing it as “diplomatic blunder” by  India by allowing such a meeting on Indian soil and a  violation of international norms by Pakistan.

“The UPA Government has committed another diplomatic  blunder by allowing the meeting on Indian soil with serious repercussions for national security and national interest… They (Pakistan) want to internationalise Kashmir situation.  It is a violation of international norms,” the BJP President said.

However, Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umer Farooq said the  meeting should not be viewed in a “negative sense” and this  was not the first time that Hurriyat leaders had met Pakistani envoy.

He said the Hurriyat maintained that cooperation between  India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir was important and  they (Hurriyat) did not want any confrontation.

The Pakistan High Commission had invited separatist leaders  including Dukhtaran-e-Millat chief Aasiya Andrabi, Democratic  Freedom Party Chairman Shabir Ahmad Shah Mirwaiz Umar Farooq,  Yasin Malik and hardliner Syed Ali Geelani for the meeting. (AGENCIES)