Hydrabad police registered FIR to probe Mudasir’s death: Kichloo

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 19: Minister of State for Home, Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo while replying to Calling Attention Notice given by Bashir Ahmed Magray informed the House that late Mudasir Ahmad Malla alias Kamran, (30), son of Ghulam Qadir Malla, a retired teacher and a resident of village Parigam in Pulwama.
After completing his diploma and M. Phil from the English and Foreign Languages University, Hydrabad, he was pursuing his Ph.D Programme, his family was telephonically informed from Hydrabad that during the night March 2 and 3, 2013, his body was found hanging in his hostel room. The dead body was transported to Srinagar on March 4, 2013 and handed over to legal heirs in presence of Police from Pulwama for last rites. On the demand of the people, the district administration deputed a team of doctors led by BMO, Pampore who examined the dead body after which it was buried in the local grave yard, the Minister added.
He said that the village Parigam was gripped in grief when the news about the death of Mr Mudasir was broken to them, some youth held protests, blocked the road and also organized a sit-in. In the afternoon, some people took out a procession towards Pulwama which intercepted by Police at Neva. Some of the protestors resorted to stone pelting.
Mr. Kichloo said that the news about the death of Mr. Mudasir immediately spread to other districts, upon which protests were also held in some other places and people resorted to stone pelting at various places. He said that the Police had to use tear smoke shells to disperse the protesters, this led to closure of the shops and suspension of traffic in Pulwama and other parts of districts. The State administration took all precautionary measures to maintain peace and law and order in the State as well as district, he added.
The Minister said that the Hydrabad Police has registered case in Crime No. 79/2013 U/S 306 IPC and took up the investigation.