“I try to shy away from attention”

Hi Emraan, why are you seen in so few films these days? There was a time when you had multiple releases a year.
I think that was a time when I needed to prove myself. I wanted to do as much work as I could. I knew that I had to keep working to get myself noticed. That was a time when I was maturing and I wanted to learn more. I have slowed down a bit but I think that’s what every actor is doing. Everyone is doing one film at a time so that he or she can focus on the project and give his or her best. Today, films are planned well in advance and everything is much more systematic. I too feel I should associate myself with good cinema and try and do quality work.
You are known to be a recluse?
Oh am I (smiles). I am a bit introvert and shy. I have always shied away from stardom and fame. At times, I feel that there is too much fame coming my way and I have this tendency of getting into a shell. I have been in the industry for almost 12 years now and I try to take things very easy. At times, I try to shy away from the attention I get because I feel I will lose my focus. I am here to act and I want to concentrate on my work.
Your last few films didn’t do quite well at the box office?
(Smiles) I think as an actor, my job is to act and while doing so perform to the best of my abilities. There are films, which you do because you believe in them, but it’s not always that the audience will accept it. It’s not in the hands of the actors or the directors always. So, the best think is to keep working and giving your best.
Your international project, Tigers, is yet to release in India. Why this delay?
Yes, it has been getting delayed for a while now. There are a few issues, which needed to be sorted out and I am hopeful that they will soon get resolved. Tigers is a project I am really proud of and I am sure once it releases in India the audiences too will love it.
There are quite a few Bollywood stars, who are working in international projects. You are one of them.
(Laughs) I am definitely not a star…at least I have never considered myself a star. I am an actor first. As far as international projects are concerned, it’s not that everyone is trying to get noticed by doing Hollywood projects. We all are actors and choose to do films which feel we can do justice to. Indian films are really getting noticed internationally and that’s the reason the actors too are getting more exposure. That’s the reason they are being offered good roles and I feel it’s a very healthy sign.
Post your debut you were tagged the serial kisser but of late you are playing characters that are completely different. Is this an effort to shed this tag?
(Smiles again) I really don’t know about tags. I think every actor somewhere gets tagged but it’s not a conscious decision on my part to shed this tag. I am getting interesting offers and I am accepting them. I am doing these roles because as an actor I am getting a chance to playing varied roles, which is helping me a lot. I have always believed in variety and I am being offers such roles where I can showcase my skills as an actor.
Hamari Adhuri Kahani is a serious film and you play a very intense character.
It is film where the audience will get to see a very different me. It is a very passionate and emotional story. It is a love story and has multiple layers. I was impressed with the script right after I heard the narration. Bhatt saab (Mahesh Bhatt) narrated me the story and I was so impressed because his narrations look so real. He is the master when it comes to telling emotional stories on celluloid. I am sure the audience will like this film because it is full of emotions and an out-and-out romantic tale.
The first look of Azhar, where you play Mohammed Azharuddin is being appreciated a lot.
Thanks. It is a very difficult project and I am trying my best. I am taking a lot of training and have trained with Md Azharuddin. He is such a fantastic person and an iconic sportsman. I hope the film too turns out to be equally good. (TWF)