Monthly radio address by Prime Minister Narendra Modi opens newer vistas across the country in that, people come to know about some interesting things about our country, people and events. When opportunities for development open up and when there is focussed attention on how a hitherto neglected area but otherwise with great promises of enterprise, talent and hard working people, could develop and create history of the sorts, one could refer to Ladakh. On January 31, this year an Indian Air Force AN- 32 aircraft using bio-fuel took off from Leh’sKushakBakula Rinpoche Airport, one of the highest altitude airports in Asia . Since India has been embarking upon development and research in the field of science and technology, scientists of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Indian Institute of Petroleum Dehradun and the people who made this feat possible endeared themselves by the people and as a natural corollary, the Prime Minister too was appreciative of their role.
What was particularly notable about the feat was that in both the engines of the aircraft Indian bio-jet fuel to the extent of 10 percent was used and again this mix was used for the first time in an aircraft. This bio- jet oil is prepared from non- edible tree borne oil. Again, our commitment at international forums towards reduction in carbon emission levels, this oil, procured from various areas mostly tribal across the country, had promises to drastically cut on carbon emission and also was aimed at less dependence on costly crude oil imports. This time, only a mix was used to a certain percentage, it was hoped that the technology could be further developed to an extent that a full fledged aircraft would be flown with only using this bio-fuel and rightly the PM hoped that such efforts would go a long way towards empowering “Make in India mission”.
As envisaged, Ladakh with the status of a Union Territory was destined to keep developing while forgetting how it, on comparative basis, received lesser attention and inadequate treatment from the successive previous Governments of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir. Central Government had slew of measures in the pipeline for Ladakh and was destined to be developed, among other measures as ‘Carbon Neutral UT like the neighbouring country Bhutan . Prime Minister, in his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ of this month was quite optimistic about it and expressed his desire to visit Ladakh soon. Perhaps, disturbed by the spate of sponsored protests and violence without any reason whatsoever, in some parts of the country which had ramifications of imperilling nature, Modi rightly reiterated that biodiversity of India was a unique treasure for the entire humankind and urged the people to not only maintain it but preserve it too. The Prime Minister interacts with the people through this programme on radio, things and topics and events of non political but quite interesting nature and even underlining some instances of actions and achievements by individuals or groups which were of emulating nature.