IAS Prasanjeet Kour interacts with SR College students

Prasanjeet Kour interacting with IAS/KAS aspirants at S R College Jammu on Saturday.
Prasanjeet Kour interacting with IAS/KAS aspirants at S R College Jammu on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 10: The SR College of Competitions ( SRCC) – a premier academy for Civil Services guidance, organised an interactive session for the Civil Services aspirants in the College premises at Gandhi Nagar, here today.
Prasanjeet Kour, who qualified 2022 Civil Services examination with All India 11th Rank in the very first attempt, interacted with students of SR College of Competitions preparing for Civil Services. She shared with the students her journey and the problems she faced while preparing for this prestigious and coveted service and how she managed to overcome the difficulties.
Earlier, Parasanjeet Kour had cleared JK Combined Competitive examination and was undergoing training at IMPA. She dealt with the nature and structure of the exam comprehensively. All the aspects including the scheme and pattern of the exam, approach for Prelims and Mains, sources of material and the books required, use of online resources and the relevance of newspaper reading in preparing the current affairs and writing test series for both prelims and mains were covered thoroughly and to the satisfaction of the students.
She took up lot of questions from the aspirants and answered them in detail. She also discussed with the aspirants about the personality test/interview and the importance of mock interviews. The aspirants were also guided about the CSAT and Essay papers and especially the recent changes introduced by UPSC in the Prelims exam.
Aspirants raised queries regarding factors to be kept in mind while choosing a right and suitable Optional. Further, the aspirants asked about the ethics , integrity and aptitude paper and the approach to handle the theory and the case studies part. Aspirants were also suggested to at least attend one comprehensive test series for both prelim and mains examinations.
The College has already started a test series for Prelims and UPSC Mains Test Series is going to start by the end of this month only.
The response was overwhelming and the aspirants appreciated the initiative taken by the SR College. The attendees included the aspirants preparing for IAS 2023 and JKAS 2023 and also undergraduates who will be eligible in a couple of years.
“The College has planned a series of free workshops and interactions with the IAS officers , JKAS toppers and various subject experts for the benefit of Civil Services aspirants of J&K,” informed Office Coordinator, Shweta Saini.