Identify land for development works at Hazratbal: Asiea Naqash to Revenue Deptt

SRINAGAR: Minister of State for Health and Medical Education, Housing and Urban Development, and Social Welfare Asiea Naqash today visited Mallabagh area of Hazratbal constituency to identify the land for developmental work.

On her visit to this constituency she was accompanied by concerned Revenue Officials, SDM Srinagar and various deputations.

While inspecting the various sites she asked revenue officials to demarcate the government land from private so that the development work would soon be picked at these places.

She also visited Redi Mohalla, City Colony Dangarpura and asked officials to start working on development of area like setting up of public parks etc.

Enroute several deputations met the Minister who apprised her about the various issues pertaining to their areas.

Ms Naqash also instructed the concerned officials to redress the grievances of the people which include lack of water facilities, fencing, drainage etc.

The Minister assured the deputations that all their genuine issues would be resolved at the earliest.