On the eve of the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2015, a number of programmes were organised by the women’s organisations, schools, colleges and other Governmental and non Governmental organisations and glowing tributes were paid to the indomitable spirit of women and their role at home and in transforming the society was highlighted and extensively reported in electronic and print media.
But such programmes and panel discussions on television will have little relevance and merely  serve as rituals unless we change our outlook towards women and ensure that half of our population is not discriminated against and crime against them is stopped .The real tribute to women is togive them a larger role and provide them  ample opportunities to display their talent and ability and bring to book  the perpetrators of crime against them so that  they lead a dignified, respectable and safe life.Working women too need to be appreciated for their multifarious role and given relaxation in working hours on such occasions as’ bhaiya dooj’,karva chouth’ etc.
Yours etc…
Ashok Sharma,