IIM Sirmaur hosts webinar on World Environment Health Day

Professor (Dr) Neelu Rohmetra, Director IIM Sirmaur and other panelists during a webinar.
Professor (Dr) Neelu Rohmetra, Director IIM Sirmaur and other panelists during a webinar.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 27: On the occasion of World Environment Health Day, Centre for Sustainability and Environmental Management (CSEM) at Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sirmaur in collaboration with Corporate Social Responsibility Club “Sankalp” hosted a webinar on ‘Be an entrepreneur for creating valuables from plastic waste’.
The webinar focused on Plastic Waste Management. The invited panelists were active in the field of environment management and relevant areas.
In her welcome address, Professor (Dr) Neelu Rohmetra, Director IIM Sirmaur said that that one of the objectives of establishment of CSEM at IIM Sirmaur is to connect students, corporates, academicians, NGO and the community. The focus has been to start some thought process in this direction and debate on issues related to community.
Earlier, Dr Arpita Ghosh (Coordinator of CSEM) began the webinar by introducing the panelists. Subsequently, the panelists shared their experiences. In the introductory session, Dr Suneel Pandey, Director, Environment and Waste Management Division, TERI, Delhi addressed ongoing plastic waste issues in society and its environmental impact on living beings. Dr Pandey discussed about different business opportunities for recyclability during design stages of products.
During the second session, Dr Ajay Kumar, Principal Scientist, CSIR-IIP Dehradun shared his research knowledge on chemically converting plastic waste to fuels, petrochemicals and aromatics. He also addressed the importance of chemical conversion over mechanical conversion to save our environment.
The next speaker Dr Priyank Arya, Corporate Head, EHS, Dabur India Limited stressed upon segregation of plastic waste starting from household to industries. He shared his experience on Plastic Waste Management Rules and Extended Producer Responsibility. He said that no waste is waste if citizens are conscious about segregation and recycling.
Later, Ashish Jain, Founder Director, IPCA NGO discussed about the objectives, challenges of being an entrepreneur. He shared his startup experience journey and set an example to the young audience for being an entrepreneur in the field of plastic waste management.
More than 200 students attended the webinar from different parts of the country. The webinar strived to link up the research findings with the industry perspective. Prof Amrinder Singh, Chair of CSR, IIM Sirmaur gave vote of thanks.