Iksad Publishing House launches book co-authored by son of soil

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 30: Iksad Publishing House launched book titled ‘Public, Policy and Community Development in Stressful Situations’, co-authored by son of the soil Dr Rohit Koul in Turkey.
It highlights pressed parts and accompanies a scope of assets that can inform us concerning development of a network in under stressful circumstances and focuses on Public Policy space too.
Dr Rohit has created numerous national books and examination papers, yet there is energy about this worldwide dispatch in Turkey in light of the fact that the writer presents numerous new contextual analyses centering the pandemic occasions.
The past exploration paper “A study of Corporate Social Responsibility in India-A Paradigm Shift by Dr Rohit introduced the entire thought of CSR usage in India and was well appreciated across the globe and it mentioned various procedures of task and program usage under the Corporate Social Responsibility with hard realities and in an exceptional voice.
The book will be accessible on all the e-stages over the globe. Thought provoking, moving and often quite difficult on the land challenges of the communities who are living under stressful conditions will make you to think about your own responsibility in driving change and encourages you to see the different aspects of the communities.