Illegal mining

It is beyond one’s comprehension that despite there being a duly recognised and authorised Government structure to monitor on procedural basis all the characteristics and specifics about mining of mineral blocks of River Tawi, reports about illegal mining being carried out in virtually unhindered way is causing concern. Not only does such illegal or over mining result in massive revenue loss of crores of Rupees to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir but there being massive danger to the embankments of the river has potentiality of causing floods during rainy season . We have bitter experience of 2014 floods. While the procedure is to duly identify the blocks where mining could be carried on followed by causing auction thereof by the concerned Geology and Mining Department , how come in Khour Sahib division of Akhnoor sector, mining activities with full gusto are being carried out when such mining blocks have not been put to auction at all by the concerned department. Even with the ban on mining ordered by the High Court , the issue becomes sensitively important. The fact of the matter , but a cause of concern is, that even such illegal mining is opposed by the people , Panchayats etc who are conscious of the far reaching consequences of such mindless and illegal mining nothing short of robbing and ravaging by the organised and strong mafia but they give not two hoots to such opposition , instead are busy in stuffing their pockets with the proceeds of the booty. That must stir the duty of administrative machinery in putting an end to such plundering.
It seems erosion of environment , threat to bio-diversity , damage to the river, water pollution, poor soil fertility , violation and disregard of the Court orders in respect of illegal mining activities is no one’s concern in the Government. It also appears that the mafia indulging in such a type of illegal mining remaining usually active during the night hours to carry out the illegal mining have been emboldened to this extent that even during daytime they do it now without any fear or hindrance . How can this be possible unless there is an assured support in the guise of availability of a connivance of some insiders in the department who instead of being loyal to the department are believed to be complicit in causing illegal mining taking place. If it is not so, does no one watch heavy machines and trucks and labour engaged by the mining mafia in this illegal activity ? Even digging as deep as 10 feet or more though done openly was being not checked at all thus affecting the water table equations of the river. Nikki Tawi river in Jammu in particular needs to be saved from such ravaging by mining thieves, at an early date. What role in tandem is being played by the departments having maximum stake like Geology and Mining Department, Flood and Irrigation Department, Pollution Control Board, J&K Police and even Finance Department in seeing that our rivers were saved from this wanton loot .
Now let the other side of the problem be looked at in that , even in those blocks in the river which are ”authorised” , there is no system of verification on concurrent basis as to whether mining was going on as per terms and conditions or in excess of the permissible limits or whether under the guise of permission , laying commercial hands on unauthorised areas /blocks by the mining mafia was taking place. Another point to be noted is that in Jammu district 60 per cent of the blocks only are auctioned and rest of 40 per cent is ”conveniently” being operated by the mafia and how it can be believed that this all is not known to those who are paid from the public exchequer to stop it and prevent such colossal damage to the rivers and thus cause no heavy loss of revenue to the UT Government. Court orders are not only made to be known to all concerned but must be made to follow in letter and spirit in which there should be no scope for any omission or relaxation or for that matter, any recklessness.
We do not say that ”nothing ” is done as a vehicle or two are occasionally seized by the authorities , we are afraid, just to hoodwink all those who feel concerned about this free for all mining spree going on unabatedly instead of stemming the rot . Since due to the ban , undoubtedly some decline in mining had taken place which caused shortage of sand, bajri , and other material and now this material is selling like hot cakes and at exorbitant prices thus making the entire process of illegal mining, otherwise not less than a loot, as a high profiting enterprise. We, however, are astonished over getting the reaction over this loot of those helming the Geology and Mining Department who appear to be either genuinely ignorant of the ground situation or unfortunately are feigning as such .