Implement RGGVY

This has reference to deeping electricity crisis in the State particularly when Sun is sizzling to the inconvenience of people in this part of the State.
To meet the electricity shortage in rural areas of the country the Central Government had some year back launched Raji Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana. Though the scheme has been implemented in Jammu and Kashmir, its benefits have not percolated to the rural people.
Even now there are villages in Jammu region where electricity has not reached. The people of the said villages had brought this situation in the minds of people but to their dismay, they may have to wait one does not know how much.
It will a fitting tribute to late Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi if the scheme which is named after him is implemented in toto throughout the State.
The scheme will not only change the life style of people but also help in meeting the shortage of electricity in rural areas which have not yet witnessed much progress.
Yours etc….
Amit Sharma