Implementation of Drug Act

Despite having a viable Drug Act in the drug department it has not been implemented properly in the State of J&K. The drug scandal in the State which has posed a great threat to the lives of the people is the direct result of non-seriousness in the  implementation of the Act. The Act needs strict implementation of  the welfare of the people. The spurious drugs in the market need to be seized and checked and people found involved taken to task because  it being a matter  of serious concern. The spurious drugs in the market and their presence is a story an old one. It is a lucrative business for those unscruplous and inhumans who least care for human life. The time has come now when Govt. has to take stringent measures against  the people who are involved in the sale and purchase of spurious drugs. The drug control officials have to be vigilant and efficient in the work of the drugs and their composition etc. Govt also needs to have vigil on the suppliers of drugs who supply  drugs in and outside country. The people who play with the lives are criminals of the first rank and should be dealt severely.
Yours etc….
S.N. Raina