Recently, we came to know that Jammu and Kashmir was placed at the lowest bottom of Innovation Index as unfortunately in this Union Territory , there is a majority of bureaucrats who instead of encouraging innovative, technology driven and newer ideas and ways are creating impediments in their introduction and implementation. This is a classic example of not only impliedly opposing new system but wilfully indulging in insubordination vis-a-vis the guidelines and decisions of the Government which these defaulting officers of both the IAS and KAS cadre are otherwise committed to meticulously enforce and ensure due compliance starting right from themselves. The question is what problems are these bureaucrats having, for example, in not timely implementing Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) system in Jammu and Kashmir ? Why should in fact, they , in this connection choose not to furnish service and related details? Why should they not bother about resolution of the “issue” even after repeated reminders from the General Administration Department ?
In fact, it is all concerned about streamlining and better management of personnel affairs so sensitive and important by nature, requiring adopting new system based on electronic intervention comprising e-Service Book, Personnel Information, integration with Public Finance Management System (PFMS) for salary GPF, retirement benefits etc. It is a system whereby HR functions are devolved to management (Government) and employees. The functions being accessible through intranet and other web-technology channels and deemed as improvement on the old and obsolete system. Further, being connected with and having bearing on Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW) Platform, it assumes its own significance . The e-HRM system is a solution to all problems arising in connection with transfers which in fact, concerns the employees most during ones’ tenure, promotions which otherwise need an overhauling treatment but would get a new dimension under the reformed system and last but not the least, the vigilance related issues and status. Why should any move, that is aimed at improving efficiency and promptness, cost effectiveness and achieving goals and targets especially in context with HR issues, not be embraced with zeal and enthusiasm? In fact increasing speed , lowering expending time on resolving connected issues , achieving better results in taking timely decisions should be a matter of HR culture. When such a flexible, easy, transparent and easily accessible system was decided to be implemented by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir , should it be not implemented by the very structure comprising the administration – the officers from IAS and KAS cadre?
In fact, its implementation was for the overall benefit of these officers in both the cadres and for registering on the requisite portal, all relevant data and details are required but non- cooperation from the concerned officers not only is unbecoming on their status, stature and conduct but is tantamount to creating an environment of treating every reform, every new and innovative measure, every better results oriented move etc taken by the Government, as optional and non-mandatory. Does it look all fine that the General Administration Department should grant ”last opportunity” by granting a ”grace” period of one week only to those who had not furnished the requisite details so as to put at place the new system? We feel it is a sort of mild penalty imposed on wilful non-cooperation and encouraging delays and needs to be recorded in annual performance reports of the defaulting officers. We have been reiterating that there was no option with a Government employee other than complying with the Government’s (read the employer’s) orders and directives. Preferring the other way, we are afraid, should be in the shape of tendering resignation and quitting otherwise the system was fraught with consequences of getting deeply weakened, if not totally collapsing.