Implementation of RTI

Right to Information Act of 2009 is a comprehensive mechanism taking more than one aspect into consideration when the right is exercised. Essentially, the subject of transparency is at the bottom of the Act. In terms of section 4 (1) (b) of the Right to Information Act 2009, all Administrative Departments are required to implement the Act in letter and in spirit. Additionally, they are required to maintain/create official websites that have to be made functional immediately. These have to be updated on a daily basis. The websites would carry latest information on various aspects of the department especially those connected with the developmental schemes or new schemes introduced by the State Government or the Union Government.
The statement furnished by the Information Commission Jammu and Kashmir has highlighted some deficiencies in the implementation of the spirit of the Act and therefore, the Government has directed all departments to see to it that the deficiencies are removed. Additionally, the statement of the Information Commission had noted that appointment of Public Information Officers/First Appellate Authorities, are made good immediately, under intimation to the General Administration Department. In order to make clear the source of any order or action stipulated by administration, the Government has also directed that all the officers/officials shall indicate their names and designation below their signature while initiating or endorsing any note/proposal for consideration of the Competent Authorities and on the communications, exchanged with different departments. The other details like telephone numbers and e-mail addresses should also be mentioned on such communication.
Emphasis is laid on creating and updating of the departmental website which is a dependable means of access to the source of information. Obviously, many departments have not as yet launched their websites. In the case of advertisement of vacancies in various departments and organizations, website would be a very useful means for the prospective applicants to have updated information about these vacancies.