Importance of education

Er  Neeraj Dubey

According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Getting a good education, whether in school or on your own, is the best decision you can make in your life. It can help you grow as a person. Education transforms a human into human being. Education is a reflection of a good civilization. Human civilization has progressed by innovation in education since periods. Education spreads awareness in society about how we can be a good social being and help others in our daily life. Education removes blanket of ignorance and help people in knowing them their fundamental rights. Education helps in imparting moral values which is missing in our youth and needs to be addressed carefully for creating a good society. A society which is uneducated cannot think on rational lines. In the medieval period, long before the renaissance, people often fought mindless wars that resulted in bloodshed as they were illiterate and ignorant. Importance of education in modern times cannot be understated as it forms an integral part of our lives in following ways: –
Improve Position in Society: All money in the world will not give you satisfaction and prestige as the education can. Women were enslaved and looked down upon due to the lack of education. As they become literate the outlook of the society improved. In fact, if you want to move within the certain segment of the people, it is important to be qualified or get a certain level of education.
Ability to Serve the Society: Education also helped in rise of the number of medical experts, engineers, teachers etc. To provide services to such a vast population of the world we need many medical and other experts. By education we can generate the skilled personnel. This has lead to better health and also improvement in lifestyle.
Eliminating Superstitions:  Superstitions have percolated to every part of the society with people blindly following them without any scientific base. They have existed since ancient times; however, educated person questions the age old customs and practices. He / she does not follow the rituals blindly because change is the name of the game on the planet.
Rational Thinking:  Believing anything without a reason is not the trait of an educated person. For instance, a farmer may not able to analyze the fertility of the soil and determine the type of the crops that are to be grown. In olden times, in the absence of research, people used to pray to the rain gods for a good harvest. Therefore, education is necessary to remove the different evils of the society.
Helps to Communicate Better: A good education helps one communicate better. Communication includes by speech, signs, gestures and even body language. A person with better education has refined speech and other ways of communication. Even his body language sounds confident and optimistic due to education.
Better Social Harmony: Education is way by which people of different cultures, religions; sects come together during schooling, college etc. Thus it helps them understand about each other better and stay in mutual harmony. Thus education can improve social harmony.
Education Helps in Evolution: Education plays an important role in the evolution of human life. Television became the household commodity in the 20th century while internet took over in 21st. Advancement in technology is only possible due to the education. Ignorant people are not able to understand the logic behind the natural phenomenon and are not able to develop a vision for the future.
Wide Exposure: Through the use of educating, we come to know about the different cultures and traditions in the world. It helps people to become more tolerant of each other. Wide exposure enhances the knowledge base of the individuals and prepares them to face the challenges of life in a better manner. In olden times, due to sheer ignorance, foreign travel was considered an unholy activity and people had to undergo a purification process.
Support to Economy: The means of economy and money making have changed with education. It is the main cause of rise in the employment opportunities all over the world. Without education a person can only perform lay jobs using his hands and legs. But due to education he can work using his brain. The advent of internet, software and other technology could perform well due to education. This makes us to generate huge income and employment opportunities. May be if people are not educated, these technologies would be of no use to anyone. So such huge income generation is possible due to educated humans.
Independent Decision Making: Education plays a very important role in decision making by gaining feedback from others. A logical person would plan accordingly before starting any business venture. If you are learned and knowledgeable, it is easier to plan the economic activity and determine whether it is profitable.
Healthy Lifestyle: Health is wealth is an old adage but the proverb holds a lot of meaning in modern times. People are now aware of the benefits of the vegetables and fruits; however, in past they were ignorant due to lack of education. As they are able to read, it is possible to view the blogs related to health on the internet. More and more people know how fresh food provides vitamins and minerals to improve the immune system of the body. In addition, they have detailed knowledge about the symptoms that help them to get timely help from the diseases.
We see that there are many uneducated politician running our government selfishly and for the proper functioning of governance we need to bring more educated people in politics. Change is the need of hour and its time now that we come forward for the betterment of our country. We can see the example of KERALA (Most Developed State) having 90% literacy rate. Our Brains are appreciated across the globe for their intellect and it has been in our blood and only education can help groom it. The author likes to conclude it by this quotation-
“Padhenge Padhaynge – Dunia badhaynge”.