In a state of war

Iram Irtiza
From the shadowless trees to the roofless houses, from the barren land to the dusty skies, from the erroneous temptations of the world to the world wide diplomacies, the world is engaged in a continuous war .
“We all live in our respective conflict zones “,where war of ideology ,war of creedo ,war of faith ,war of Power ,war of persuasion is going on .
War ,where there is direct confrontation and grappling between the nations; the struggle to acquire more and more power and a constant effort to influence other nations remains the sole motive of all the other nations and this mainly is done by using shrilling and deligent methodologies and policies.
Nations are becoming more nationalistic than pluralistic and are losing the universal moral character.
In all this course the interests of people are being politicised . People are being forced to believe what actually does not exist. The claims of people are put at stake. The national politics with new colours and embellished with new hyperbolised and exaggerated delineations is coming up, having no scope for peace, sentiments and emotions making this world a vulnerable peace of land. This whole new ball game is not of one or few nations but the story by which every common person in any corner of the world is suffering. The regional political parties are taking the majoritarian view often based on regional ethinicity and culture to remain in power and such approach results in the marginalisation of certain sects of people due to which their fundamental or even human rights are compromised resulting in conflicts and discord.
People are being killed and subjected to severe castigation for merely seeking their right to speech and expression,the struggle for the right of self determination or the freedom from the excruciating and agonizing treatment are being politicised by the other nations. The human rights violation in Idlib (Syria),Gaza (Palestine) or in Mayanmar are used in strategic way by different nations, making attempts to intrude along such disputed boundries using such kind of sensitive issues for their personal benefits and interests that are mostly economical and political in nature rather for the safeguard of social justice.
All this is the clear indication of the frailties of the nation’s leaving the people angry, aggravated, anxious and bewildered.
Nations should be concerned about the rights of others, to be concerned about the rights of others, to be capable of sympathy and empathy, beyond the domain of individual and collective narcissism.
The prevailing situation of the world makes me to hark back and believe in the theory given by a political philosopher Hobbes that “We live in a state of war of each against all”.