Economist Adam Smith says in his philosophical work “invisible hand” that whatever we think or do for ourselves inadventantly goes in the interest of society.
From dawn to dusk we shive very hard and earn money to eke out a living. While doing this, we first serve the society and then serve ourselves. Unless we dedicate ourselves and discharge our duty with a sense of responsibility we may and be able to get the returns.
So the true philosophy is that relation between the individual and the society is of dialectical nature. Both influence each other and this makes the society a dynamic entity.
Unfortunately out of ignorance, we do not understand this truth which leads us to behave like subhuman species. Negative energies like selfishness, anger, arrogance observes our wisdom. We think like fools and went to leave nothing for the society. We behave like bed bugs and such the blood from the society. We forget that entracting everything from the surroundings of society, it is we that will perish first.
It is high time for the people of society to think logically and mould their behaviour in a desired direction. People should believe in sharing and not in snatching. This will bring peace, happiness and prosperity to mankind.
Yours etc…
Ramesh K Raina