In politics, adages can change

Shiban Khaibri
Views differing, perceptions and beliefs varying, genuine criticisms and false criticism levying like the recent emblem row as to why lions looked like lions and not absolutely calm but roaring and the like notwithstanding , everyone whether sincerely or outwardly shall agree that the Modi juggernaut has broken an inertia of a peculiar type of politics and political thinking that was rife and ruling the roost across the country for decades. Not only a digital revolution, a spree of reforms and innovations , braving enviably successfully the worst crisis of COVID pandemic and a scams free environ is seen in the country with focus on becoming a world leader “in our own right” but definition and even efficacies of traditional political families too must now be rewritten. These political families, of course, a few of them but otherwise very ”powerful” and dominant in this country , thought that their indispensability in politics and governing this country was virtually irrevocable, if not as a matter of their guaranteed right . This bluff has been called and they have been and are continuously proven absolutely wrong, exceptions can be there. Equally, some political “stalwarts” or bigwigs thinking that ”once a stalwart always a stalwart” was invincible too has started showing its abject limitations. Reasons may be any but the fact remains that even in politics and political craft, laissez-faire like situation cannot be allowed to become a rule. From somewhere, from some point and somehow – changes had to come , they must come and they will come and even face some opposition and some resistance but ultimately of no avail as this country needs changes and reforms in every sphere desperately .
Maharashtra politics, nay, a political rethinking on opportunist basis, perhaps, applying the maxim of ”like poles repel and unlike poles attract”, as we saw in 2019, could be a principle of Physics but not of politics and the same thing happened with a structural change. Reverting to political principle , as recently, of ”like poles must always attract and unlike poles must repel” was expected sooner than later in Mumbai but definitely , it was never thought of to be manifest in the way absolutely peaceful, silent , calm and steady but in a well calculated and a meticulous manner. The beauty about the entire phenomenon lay in its absolute secrecy . Places like Surat , Guwahati and Goa shall be remembered for having earned a political importance of an entire different nature known as “Resort Politics”.
Resort Politics , it may be noted with interest, has now attained due ”legitimacy” and has become somewhat genteel and quite acceptable in our democratic set up, of course, due to fast depreciation in our political life on comparative basis when seen in the context with decades of 50s and 60s. It all began in our country, to be precise, since 1980s when fearing a wobbly fate of politicking of power and to put the flock of MLAs together and prevent any ”poaching” , this method was resorted to, therefore, now an accepted norm and an established practice. Hence shepherding MLAs towards and into different five star resorts is the cardinal and most critical part of the entire exercise for how new political equations could be built and formed well within the prescribed ”realms” of law, the constitution and the democratic norms .Till things are finalised , utmost care is taken of keeping together, staying together, watching together and passing time together of the MLAs and a headcount done to ensure ”all well” and no dropouts which all becomes absolutely necessary.
Referring to the recent developments in Maharashtra, the role of the highest seat of judiciary in not staying the Governor’s directive to the Udhav Thakery led Maha Vikas Aghadi government to hold a floor test in the Assembly on June 30 upheld the constitutional stand on the issue observing that the floor of the House is the “only way to settle such issues of democracy”. In other words, how could a party with a rich legacy of Shri Bala Sahib Thackery wedded to steadfast principles of Hindutva of which he was proud , afford to align , work and form the government with the Congress party and the Nationalist Congress party both of whom are basically with the same ideology and deadly opposed to Hindutva is what the “other group” made the base of rebellion? The paradoxical interest to note is that these very Congress leaders don all that is central and basic to Hindutva at the time of elections only to project that they too were “staunch” Hindus. See how Mamta Ji was virtually constrained to recite Holy Mantras of goddess Durga in public meetings during the previous Assembly elections to show that she too was a ”devout Hindu” and the BJP , her bête noire , could not prove her otherwise . However, the element of consistency evaporates in this respect immediately after the elections are over irrespective of results whether favourable or unfavourable and that makes such momentary moves nothing more than mere vote catching gimmicks.
About Hindutva, it has already been submitted , based on cogent reasons that Hindutva was not anything associated with any type of exclusiveness , not in the least, nor any sort of hegemony of Hindus but was a concept of Indian culture, national and civilization(al) identity and the traditional and indigenous heritage of the Indian nation. Pitied must be those fake liberals, pseudo seculars and sham democrats who, day in and day out, are not tired of harping on this Hindutva and are labelling it with all types of negativity as if all the ills in the world , not only in India, were due to this Hindutva. Perhaps, they plainly want the only existing ancient most civilization to get faded into oblivion. And, strangely in their next breath, these pseudo elements whine that there was intolerance in the majority community , a white lie and a falsehood of the worst order. Had it been so, they would have been thinking hundred times before uttering any sort of negativity and ridicule with respect to Hindutva.
In early 2019 , Sharad Pawar known as a Master politician of Maharashtra had dared Union Home Minister Amit Shah by saying, ” Shah is a trouble shooter and in the past he had visited a few states during government formation but he is yet to visit Maharashtra” when Assembly polls were out, giving a mandate to the BJP-Shiv Sena combined to form the government but it could not be due to various reasons for which who was responsible is fairly known. Was it a projection of one’s invincibility in Maharashtra politics that “once a stalwart , always to remain a stalwart” or it was an appraisal of Shah’s inept expertise in political crafting could remain a mystery or otherwise which is left to the viewpoint of Pawar . It is so especially seen in the context of post June 30 collapse of the Aghadi that was built brick by brick by him . In this context, it is worth recalling that a master plan was craftily prepared in 2019 to weaken the BJP and to lower its public esteem by engineering a staged coup de maitre of Ajit Pawar ”breaking away” from his party (NCP) and forming a government in Maharashtra in coalition with the BJP , a trap in which the BJP hurriedly and rather impatiently walked into without counting their chicken. The inevitable happened within three days and BJP Chief Minister had to put his papers rather unceremoniously . A lesson thus learnt by the Maharashtra BJP leadership that once bitten must remain twice shy.
However, it is said that the Law of Retribution operates sooner or later and that it does not operate at all is out of question , agreed , that it may take even longer time. We were taught in schools about morality , about ethics and about “Karni aur Bharni” with the broader moral of he who robs another man in fact robs himself. Nowadays , perhaps, there is not enough time in schools for teaching these noble principles of morality, honesty, fairness and impeccable probity . It is urgently needed since today’s children are future politicians of this country and therefore may hopefully cleanse the political system of the country. It also is a fact that in allegedly trying to marginalise this party at one time and that party ”for all times” may succeed for a very short time but the one who plays lavishly the game though with utmost caution, may run the risk of the title of being a stalwart for all occasions and critical happenings losing its sheen and even the effect. So it is advisable never to underestimate or pooh pooh anyone in the intricate game of politicking in our country. Yes, Shindey and his ”group” has proved that hence time tested adages can change in politics.