Incharge +2 Lecturers meet Secy School Education, demand regularization

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 5: A delegation of +2 Incharge Lecturers, led by Amar Nath Thakur, called on Administrative Secretary School Education Department, B K Singh in his office chamber at Civil Secretariat and submitted two memorandums, one regarding the regularization of all incharge +2 lecturers and gazetted officers of the department and another for implementing the court directions on seniority and other matters.
The meeting lasted for half an hour and administrative secretary gave a patient hearing to all the demands .
The delegation gave a detailed account of how from last 15 years, in-charge lecturers and gazetted officers are victimised on one pretext or another and how documents already submitted lapsed or expired in administrative department and incharge community is being asked to submit same documents again and again. The delegation said that SAC decision, GAD order and Chief Secretary’s directions to complete the regularization process till April 30, 2019 have not been implemented in the past and 11000 incharge gazetted officers and lecturers are being put to suffer by the authorities at the helm of affairs.
Administrative Secretary on the spot summoned the concerned officers /officials in presence of incharge lecturers delegation and showed his extreme displeasure and dismay for putting the incharge cadres in such miseries and hardships. He issued on the spot instructions for speeding up the process and directed to identify- bottlenecks which should be brought to his notice so that necessary steps are taken to address them. He further directed to put on the notice all officers and officials of department who do not submit and complete the requirements as desired timely to end regularization process , call them in the office and get all desired formalities completed or face action on the regularization issue.
Secretary assured the delegation that he was seized of the regularisation issue and would ensure regularization soon.
Earlier in the day, delegation also met officers in office of Advisor Bhatnagar, Add Secretary Law SED and Nodal Officer HRM Cell .The delegation comprised of Showkat Wani (Kulgam), Daleep Kumar , Ashwani Kumar (Retired incharge lecturer) and Kali Das .