Inculcating traffic sense

We very sadly watch road accidents taking place on the Jammu roads resulting in the death of many victims. On an average, it has been seen that three to four precious lives are lost in these accidents daily. Can the authorities concerned, especially the traffic police, the personnel of RTO and other concerned, agencies address this problem which appears to get compounded day in and day out due to mainly two reasons. Those are increasing volume of traffic and congested roads. The roads are more or less the same in width and length while the volume of traffic is ever increasing. A few measures could be taken.  There is a dire need of erecting road dividers on many roads which could prevent over speeding, overtaking, blocking the incoming traffic etc by running vehicles. The traffic department had rightly identified matador stops and marked them with yellow paint but none of them is following the rules and most of the mini buses are racing with one another to pick up the waiting passengers and stop at will, any where causing traffic jams and mess. Many vehicles are putting up flash heed lights at night making the vehicle driver coming from the opposite side virtually blind contributing to accidents many times. Using of dipper lights or low beam lights may be strictly enforced. Fly over roads at and from congested and voluminous traffic points may be  built to ease pressure on the existing road lengths.
Yours etc…..
Sunil Kotwal
Gandhi Nagar, Jammu