INDI Alliance’s impetuous affection for Displaced KPs

Girdhari Lal Raina

The disintegrated INDI alliance is struggling to present a brave face on seat sharing and joint fight against Narendra Modi in the forthcoming Lok Sabha election. Even though the constituent units of the alliance have taken their own route to contest, certain issues remain common to their shared agenda. After the perverted version of “Secularism” that essentially has been morphed into anti-Hindu, anti-Sanatan politics; the Displaced Community from Kashmir, Kashmiri Pandits in particular, is being used blatantly in the agenda. This is more noticeable in New Delhi and Jammu Kashmir.
Spokespersons from component parties of the alliance are trying to corner BJP representatives in TV studios. Rahul Gandhi has also poked his nose and tried to exploit the issue. Does INDI alliance actually feel that they can use Kashmiri Pandit community to impair the image of BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji?
Their belief emanates largely from recognition of the fact that the mass extirpation of the minority Hindu community from Muslim majority Kashmir in free, “Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic” is a dreadful blot on independent India’s recent history, and rightly so. The people of Bharat have neither forgotten the expulsion of minority Hindu Community from Kashmir nor are they ready to forgive those responsible for the tragedy.
INDI alliance tends to believe that by focussing on last 10 years of NDA rule, they will in some way blemish the ‘strong nationalist’ image of the party and Prime Minister. In a virtual hit and run tactic, they allege: that
a) the exodus happened under BJP supported VP Singh’s government and
b) BJP has been unable to rehabilitate Displaced Community back in Kashmir.
Both these claims are far from the Truth and exhibit political imprudence and complete disconnect with the ground reality on part of the alliance partners. National Conference, People’s Democratic Party and Congress – the main components of INDI Alliance in Jammu Kashmir are too eager to wash their stained hands in this respect.
Historic Facts
Facts recorded and documented reveal that minority Hindu community was not evicted from Kashmir on a day or in one step. It was a systematic process executed in various steps beginning with demonization of the community followed by marginalisation, discrimination; exclusion, physical elimination and finally expulsion.
This process was goaded by friendship of Jawahar Lal Nehru with Sheikh Mohd Abdullah that began long before 1947. Nehru in fact has the dis)credit of wrapping infamous ‘Chaliv ”Ghaliv’ ‘Ralliv’ call in political semantics. Nehru warned the community “If non-Muslims want to live in Kashmir, they should join the National Conference or bid goodbye to the country. The National Conference is the real national organisation and even if a single Hindu does not become its member, it will continue to be so. If Pandits do not join it, no safeguards and weightages will protect them” (Bazaz,248).
This was followed by immoral support of JL Nehru to the illegitimate Quit Kashmir campaign against the Maharaja Hari Singh ji in 1946. Ironically Both NC and Congress have now found political love for the Maharaja after 2019. After 1947 when Nehru ji took office of Prime Minister of India he managed to install Sheikh Abdullah as virtual ruler of Jammu Kashmir. Subsequently, all legal, illegal, unconstitutional methods were used to render the victim community rootless. This including snatching of lands in the name of reform.
Not satisfied with slow pace of displacement full blown attacks were organised in February 1986 almost four decades ago. Leaders of these parties who were responsible were rewarded with ministerial portfolios. Targeted killing was undertaken at regular intervals. Nearly a dozen Kashmiri Pandits were killed before Janata Dal government of VP singh took oath of the office on Decembr 2, 1989.
All these killings happened when Rajiv Gandhi was the Prime Minister and Farooq Abdullah the chief Minister of Jammu Kashmir. Pt. Amarchand Naedhal ; Pt. Srikanth Pandita of Kachwa Muqam June 1980;, Saint August Rishi in 1984; Pt. Keshav Nath of Vichar Nag on 9th December 1988; Smt. Prabhawati ji of Chadoora on 14th March 1989 ;Pt. Dina Nath Raina on 15th August 1989; Pt. Tika Lal Taploo on 14th September 1989 and Sheela Tickoo and Jurist NeelKanth Ganjoo on November 1, 1989 are just some examples of such targeted killings.
Dr. Farooq Abdullah continued to be Chief Minister till 19th January 1990 – the darkest night of Kashmir’s recent history. Further instead of standing with the people at a time they needed him most, Farooq Abdullah chose to run away.
Subversion Rewarded
INDI Alliance partners in Jammu Kashmir continued to create hurdles for successive governments in one or the other ways. And when brave personnel of security forces succeeded in crushing terrorism and bringing terror violence to manageable limits these power hungry politicians came rushing back to enjoy perils of power.
Once successful in seizing the chair they repeated old policy of rewarding communal and radical tendencies without caring for moral, legal, constitutional and humanitarian responsibility.
Newly reconstituted Legislative Assembly of Jammu Kashmir adopted a condolence resolution on 22nd October 1996. Dr. Farooq Abdullah as Chief Minister moved the resolution. Blatant communal bias in this resolution is visible to the naked eye. While mentioning names of victims of terrorist violence from different walks of Kashmir society, the resolution considered names of the likes of Qazi Nissar, Dr. A. Guru and Dr. Ashai. These law makers, however knowingly/unknowingly failed to mention even name of even one person from minority Hindu-Sikh community.
Leave aside names of tall leaders like Tika Lal Taploo ji or Prem Nath Bhat they chose to disregard jurists like Neelkanth Ganjoo, Director Doordarshan Lassa Koul, brave police officers like Chuni Lal Shalla, educationists like Ved Lal Bhat, females like Sarla Bhat, Girja Tickoo, scientists like Dr. KL Ganjoo and so on.
Regarding Dr. Guru and Dr. Ashai convicted desperado Yasin Mallik authoritatively claims that both of them joined so called ‘freedom struggle’ means secessionist movement and laid down life for the ‘sacred’ cause. Similarly Qazi Nissar is known for his role in 1986 communal attacks on minority community in Anantnag Kashmir.
Stealing sustenance benefits
INDI Alliance partners who were together in the government after 1996 Assembly election did not stop at exclusion of worst hit victims of terrorism. They joined hands to steal whatever little benefits or assistance was given to them by centre largely due to the efforts of Jagmohan ji who was Governor of J&K from January 19, 1990 to May 1990.
Cabinet decisions were issued ordering registration of a category of persons believed to be under threat perception. They were called political Migrants. Cash assistance was sanctioned in their favour. Not that victim should be discriminated against. This category of relief holders continue to take away benefits meant for genuine sufferers of terrorism. Point to ponder is that the parties to which these people belong continue to blame Jagmohan ji for exodus but refuse to explain as to who was responsible for migration of these ‘political’ and ‘Muslim’ Migrants. Did Jagmohan organise their exodus also?
Height of deception and dishonesty is the fact that most of them have since returned to their homes and hearths yet they continue to avail assistance. Again an order was issued by the Revenue department on 03.04.1997 asking Deputy Commissioner Jammu to identify land for setting up Muslim Migrant Colony.
These are just few examples of how INDI Alliance partners have treated Displaced Community of Kashmiri Hindus in past. They cannot be assumed to act differently in future. INDI Alliance is a group of power hungry politicians who believe in political dishonesty. Their return to power means reoccurrence of the politics of deception, exploitation and deceit.
(The author is a former Member of
Legislative Council of Jammu Kashmir
and spokesperson of BJP JK-UT)