India-China military drill concludes

NEW DELHI: As the India-China military exercise ‘Hand in Hand’ concluded on Sunday, soldiers from both the sides participated in activities like integrated live firing and discussed counter-terrorism aspects of intelligence collection and raids on terrorist hideouts, the Army said.

Terming the drill as “very successful” in increasing the bonhomie and camaraderie amongst the participating nations, the Army said the troops shared the best practices followed in counter-terrorism operations in urban and jungle terrain, and provided an opportunity to both the forces for a greater understanding and strengthening mutual trust and cooperation.

The exercise, conducted after a gap of a year following the 73-day Doklam stand-off, was held in Chengdu in southwest China’s Sichuan Province from December 10.

“The exercise included lectures and discussions on various counter-terrorism aspects like cordon and search operations, raids on terrorist hideouts, intelligence collection and joint operations. Also, integrated live firing was conducted for both the contingents to enhance interoperability and promote jointmanship,” the statement said. (AGENCIES)