India, France sign strategic pact on use of each other’s military bases

NEW DELHI: Reflecting a growing depth in defence ties, India and France today inked a strategic pact providing for the use of each other’s military facilities including opening naval bases to warships, an agreement that comes amid China’s growing military expansionism in the Indo-Pacific region.

             Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron held wide-ranging deliberations during which they also decided to create an annual defence dialogue at the ministerial level to explore ways to further deepen defence and strategic ties.

             The two countries signed a pact on exchange and reciprocal protection of classified or protected information which came in the backdrop of the Indian Government refusing to divulge details of the multi-billion dollar Indo-French Rafale fighter jet deal.

             On ties in the maritime security sphere, the French President said both the countries will have “unprecedented” level of cooperation to ensure peace and stability in the Indian Ocean and in Pacific. (AGENCIES)