India has proud tradition of strengthening democracy barring some exceptions: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the inauguration of Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya, a museum showcasing the lives and contributions of the 14 former prime ministers of India, in New Delhi on Thursday. (UNI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the inauguration of Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya, a museum showcasing the lives and contributions of the 14 former prime ministers of India, in New Delhi on Thursday. (UNI)

NEW DELHI, Apr 14: Every Government formed after Independence has contributed in taking India to the heights it has achieved today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday and asserted that barring one or two exceptions, the country has a proud tradition of strengthening democracy in a democratic manner.
In a speech after inaugurating ‘Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya’ (prime ministers’ museum), which is dedicated to all previous 14 prime ministers, Modi said every prime minister has contributed immensely in the fulfilment of the goals of constitutional democracy.
Modi also bought the first ticket of the museum before its inauguration, officials said.
He said it is our responsibility to strengthen democracy, noting that India has a proud tradition of doing so in a democratic manner with one or two exceptions.
Though he did not elaborate, the BJP has been critical of some past Congress Governments, especially the one headed by Indira Gandhi, of weakening democracy. Gandhi had suspended civil rights and imposed Emergency in 1975.
Modi, however, added that every Government formed after Independence has contributed in taking the country to the heights it has achieved today.
“To remember all Prime Ministers is to know about the journey of independent India,” he said.
The Government chose the birth anniversary of B R Ambedkar, the key architect of Constitution and a towering leader from the Dalit community, to inaugurate the museum in a gesture resonant with political importance.
This museum is also a living symbol of the shared legacy of each Government, Modi said.
It is a matter of great pride for Indians that most of our prime ministers have come from humble backgrounds, he said.
“Coming from a remote countryside, from a very poor family, coming from a farmer’s family, reaching the post of prime minister, this strengthens the faith in the great traditions of Indian democracy,” Modi said.
Asserting that India is the mother of democracy, he said the great feature of India’s democracy is that it has been continuously changing with the passage of time.
“In every era, in every generation, there has been a continuous effort to make democracy more modern, empowered,” he said.
At a time when the country is celebrating 75 years of its Independence, this museum has come as a great inspiration, Modi said.
People coming here will be made familiar with the contributions of former prime ministers of the country and will get to know about their background and struggle, he said.
The museum tells the story of India after Independence through the lives and contributions of its prime ministers, the PMO had said earlier.
The PMO said the museum has been guided by Modi’s vision to honour the
While several family members of the former Prime Ministers were at the event, the Gandhi family gave the inauguration a miss.
Recalling the rich history and prosperous era of India, Modi laid stress on spreading awareness about the correct picture of India’s heritage and present.
He said the Government’s efforts to bring back the stolen heritage from abroad, celebrating places of the glorious heritage, preserving memories of the freedom fighters in places like Jalianwala Memorial, Panch Teerth commemorating Babasaheb, Freedom Fighter Museum, tribal history museum are steps in that direction.
Commenting on the logo of the museum which has many hands holding the chakra, the Prime Minister said that the Chakra is the symbol of 24 hour continuity and resolve for prosperity and hard work.
This resolve, consciousness and strength is going to define India’s development in the coming 25 years, he said. (PTI)