India indispensable pattern: China

NEW DELHI, Nov 20:
With a new generation of Chinese leadership assuming power in Beijing, China today said India was not only its “important” neighbour but also an “indispensable partner” in global affairs and the two could work for peace and prosperity of the region and the world.
Noting that India-China relationship has witnessed sound development and acquired new strategic dimension, Charge d’affaires of the Chinese embassy here, Deng Xijun, said it was China’s national policy to maintain and further promote the strategic and cooperative partnership with India.
“To China, India is not only an important neighbour but also an indispensable partner of China in international affairs,” Deng said while briefing reporters on the outcome of the 18th Party Congress of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) last week in Beijing, which saw the emergence of a new generation of Chinese leadership led by Xi Jinping.
“It is China’s national policy to maintain and further promote the Strategic and Cooperative Partnership with India. China and India, as the two big emerging powers in the world, have their respective strong and weak points on their way of development.
“There are a lot of areas we can cooperate (in) and a lot of thing we can learn from each other. China’s development is an opportunity to India and vise versa. So, we should work together for the benefit of our two countries and two peoples as well as peace and prosperity of the region and the world,” Deng said, voicing the message of peace from the new Chinese leadership led by CPC General Secretary Xi.
At the conclusion of the once-in-five year Congress, the CPC elected Xi, 59, as its new General Secretary. Xi will replace Hu Jintao, 69, as the Communist nation’s President in March while current Premier Wen Jiabao, 70, is expected to be replaced by 57-year-old Li Keqiang.
Deng noted that through the joint efforts by the two sides, China-Indian relationship has witnessed all-round sound development and acquired new strategic dimension in recent years.
He pointed out that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao had met his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh yesterday on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh and both leaders expressed their desire to move ahead with their bilateral ties in an all-round way.
He also noted that 2012 has been designated as the Year of China-India Friendship and Cooperation by the leaders of the two countries.
During the year, there have been frequent interactions in various fields and Deng said he was confident that all these could definitely yield “good results” to the development of friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.
He also noted that a high-level 150-member-strong Chinese delegation led by the Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission would be visiting New Delhi early next week for the second round of China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue. (PTI)